That’s weird: Musk and Trump are doing exactly what one would if they were Russian assets, bent on destroying western alliances… You don’t have to believe all the evidence that they are… Just imagine that these 2 billionaires are compromised. What would they do at this exact moment in history…?
I challenge Leon to one on one combat. You heard it here first…
Elon Musk needs to be killed already.
I got permanently banned from Reddit for saying this. 17 hours and it’s still up uh
Edit: whoops 17 upvotes, not 17 hours ☺️
I got IP banned on Reddit for saying that someone who pushed a woman on a bike over and made her fall, should be pushed instead. Big violence on my part lmfao
“Be quiet small man”… smallest dick energy I’ve seen today.
Musk is gonna be copping a lot of that in response to his tweets now.
I don’t like Putin, but he’s a black belt judoka additionally trained in combat by the russian secret services.
He could fuck that misshapen walrus pool toy without even getting out of breath.
Putin is just as full of shit as Elon is.
Mofos couldn’t fight their way out of a paper bag.
Just shows how uneducated you are. Putin was trained kgb agent during the soviet union. You see how he looks at his current age and it doesnt take a rocket scientist to tell he could wreck the ordinary politician and dictators. Russia’s whole thing is physical strength.
I stand corrected.
Putin couldn’t fight his way out of a wet paper bag.
Putin is a trained KGB office clerk. His job in East Germany didn’t require any skills whatsoever.
I do believe that he is good in judo, though. Or, maybe not literally good, but would almost surely be able to kill me with his bare hands. Except, of course he’s quite old now, so maybe he’d just get a heart attack in the process? His body might not be in a very good condition, but judo is a thing you don’t really forget.
At least it’s sure that I can run a lot faster than Putin can, and that would probably give me enough of an edge. Could probably lob some heavy objects at him, then run away to find another heavy object to throw, etc. He’s not an honest man or a fair player, so neither does his opponent need to be :)
Putin and Jackie Chan are roughly the same age, just for perspective
You’re right but I’m also assuming you’re somewhat healthy and young. Compare Elon musk and putin. Or really putin with any dictator or politian, be it macron, stammer, trump, tradeu, xe Xing ping or kim jong un. For an old kgb fossil. I a 25 year old man would get absolutely wrecked by Putin in a 1 to 1 fist fight
Putin weighs 50 bucks soaking wet. He’s smaller than my grandmother. Unless the kgb teaches mean shin kicking techniques, I reckon my gran could take him.
He’s also 72 freakin years old, so he’s old enough to be a grandmother as well. The KGB training he underwent 50 years ago isn’t gonna help that.
Who said it would be a clean fight? A tiny novichok capsule in Putin’s gloves would make him the winner in a couple of days
Doesn’t matter, he’ll be dead too.
Honestly, musk isn’t that young either and he’s never taken care of himself. Yeah he’s only in his 50s, but that’s a skinny fat 50 something yo that has never taken care of himself at any point. Putin is your typical strong man bully type, and those types do like to take care of themselves in order to have that bravado image going for them. Plus he does have the training from way back. I’d say it would be even simply because musk had never at any point trained himself physically. He’s the richest man in the world, if he cared, he could hire personal trainers and chefs and what not but he doesn’t which makes me think he could even curl a 30 lb db or something small like that.
I haven’t thought about it, but you’re right. He’s the richest man in the world. He could (and would need to) literally pay models to fuck him to burn off the calories or whatever else he can come up with. Instead he’s just like, “nah.”
A big hurtle to get over for being in shape is diet. Sometimes it’s just easier to eat a bowl of cereal for breakfast rather than making the eggs and stuff that would actually be healthy. But if you always just have it ready without any thought into it, it’s one less hurtle to overcome. So the fact he’s not doing anything for it at all tells me he’s completely worthless physically. He wouldn’t even have to work out that much, just eating healthier with the bare minimum of training could put him over putin easily. But it’s easy to see that’s not happening
Be quiet, small man.
I was tricked by Musk into believing his lies before he started to endorse Trump 2.0. I feel stupid now. The sociopathic tendencies are undeniable.
I remember a comment on Reddit from someone claiming to belong to Musk’s PR team that said they worked incredibly hard to cultivate his image. But they had just been fired as Musk was tired of being controlled, and kept from doing and saying crazy things. This person said the world would soon see just how much of a. all-around monster Musk really was. I didn’t believe them at all at the time, Musk was a genius who was going to save humanity! It really makes me wonder about the actual person behind most of these figures and celebrities.
I can actually pinpoint the exact moment I became disillusioned with Elon Musk. It was back in like 2014 or 2015. I also thought he was a genius until I saw him talk about whether or not we live in a simulation. He said something to the affect of “if we are to assume that it’s possible for technology to progress to the point of simulating universes indistinguishable from our own then the possibility of us living in a prime universe is one in billions.” A bunch of people at the time ate that shit up but I immediately recognized that he pulled that shit out of his ass given that the whole thing is predicated on a giant assumption that by all accounts isn’t even likely like at all and that there is absolutely no basis whatsoever for the ‘billions’ figure. Ever since then it’s been blatantly obvious to me that he mostly doesn’t know what he’s talking about 90% of the time. And when he does know what he’s talking about he’s willfully deceitful in order to try to manipulate everyone.
for me the whole spelunking-rescue fiasco was what broke the camels back.
in my cringe alt-girl era but rät by penelope scott is about this exact topic
My life policy is that if someone or something is too hyped,popular, trendy or loved it’s usually shit
It’s a safe bet and the worst that can happen is something good. Ironic.
Is there any evidence that Musk is right about Poland only paying “a tiny fraction of the cost”? Seems a strange comment to make
SpaceX is bleeding money but I guess they are taken care of for the next 3.8 years
3.8 years if we’re really really lucky. My money is that our luck ran out in 2016.
for the next 3.8 years Now now, we should stop pretending that anything could happen in 3.8 years to stop that.
They’ll stop it in a few months when Putin tells them to.
What I meant is, they will be prevented from going bankrupt either way – whether the money hole gets filled by a massive contract or closed by Putin’s no-fly request.
blast every single one of them shits out the sky. it’s an eye sore and he’s the small man.
i find new reasons to hate on this man, sadly he was an idol when i was growing up kanye west’d himself real quick. ah they two are friends right! makes sense.
most of us were swindled by him. Now we know better
Then how is it possible that some of the internet carriers offer satellite internet without starlink?
They use high flying satelites that stay in a fixed orbit for a very long time.
On the other hand, starlink satelites fly in low orbit where there is enough air that they are dragged down and must be replaced. This is expensive and only possible because SpaceX made rocket launches significantly cheaper.
The advantage of the low orbit is the low latency which makes it possible to steer drones.
Having used both systems (my parent used to only have satellite available):
Traditional satellite has a ping of around 600-700 ms, while starlink was around 70.
I also see (my parents recently “upgraded” to wireless nternet) better speeds and a whole lot less jitter.
My parents get about 100mbps both ways, and relatively consistent jitter. The jitter can vary depending on if there’s a storm or something but since those don’t usually blow in and out in a few minutes, it’s not really a problem.
Oof 700ms is going to be worthless for anything besides downloading stuff. Video calls would even be very frustrating
Specifically they’re at an altitude of ~600km and the atmospheric drag limits their lifespan to roughly 5 years.
“Small man” says everything.
Musk thinks he’s an edge lord.
And pandering to weird dudes that think even the dumbest, most cringeworthy statement is a win if you’re pretending that it is.
Twitters UI confuses me. Where do I start? What’s the next one? And where’s the end?
It starts in the middle. It’s smaller and indented because it’s then being quoted by the Polish minister on top. Then Elon, fuckwit that he is, responds at the bottom.