Resources mostly & technically what makes US a better alternative, I was expecting you to side with Both US & Putin due to your love for fascism
A wanderer trying to explore the FediVerse
Resources mostly & technically what makes US a better alternative, I was expecting you to side with Both US & Putin due to your love for fascism
Suuuuuure & you think people who support putin are Putin simps who totally don’t want to simply not have US hegdemony
What have you done recently ? (Just asking, not in a condecsending way)
Ah yes “muh Russian Imperialism” argument/excuse that we all heard a bajillion times
So you’re an incel demonizing other incels ?
But it doesn’t appeal to GIT users, Git favours a Bazaar style development
So shall I assume that you don’t ?
One question, do you have a GF ?
They are Western-imperialists what did you expect ?
Typical RadLib American imperialist Lemmy Post
I still don’t see them & their concerns are pretty valid to be fair
Noooooo don’t Just Google it try, Use a Search Engine or just WebSearch it<br>
Dont’t make Google an integral part of internet culture
Ok now I get it, apologies
What misogynists, I don’t see them anywhere ??<br> Ohhhhhhh; you mean people who hate games being ruined by bad writing<br> This is a rather old gaslighting technique mind you
You want spiritual successors to Deus Ex & System shock ? Look up Peripeteia & DeepState (They are still in development though)
Try Nationalism/Jingoism; Patriots actually stand up to their own country’s BS
Ohhhhh nooooo it’s always the “everything bad in America is because of communism” gag
I’m starting to wish I had an account on Lemmy.ML you guys are based & badasses (But that’s a topic for another day)
I still wish they didn’t check for Unique usernames, the DHT should be enough & the username should be a supplement that can be edited later
OpenWRT did