I think you answered your own question.
I think you answered your own question.
puerto rico the US virgin islands DC and guam don’t get them. because fuck those people, for reasons that totally have nothing to do with their skin color, uh, shut up, why do you hate freedom?
no but see that was olden times so it doesn’t count, only now once it’s an established assumption does this rule go into effect and count.
unless I think of a new thing I want you to believe. then it has a teensy weensy time-out while I say that, then it’s back in effect again.
well ‘god’ is a pretty nebulous term. the olympian gods, you can disprove most of them with a satellite photo or a helicopter. the norse gods are a little harder to disprove. the christian god is pretty easy to disprove.
It is true that nobody should have to worry about proving negatives on people’s obviously made up fairlytale bullshit. it is sometimes fun to point out that if you define your god sufficiently, it can be and has been done.
and I would love to not worry about religion, but im queer and live in the united states, so I need to be pretty on my toes about that shit if I don’t want to be raped to death in a very pretty building/strip mall.
well yes, and I suppose that theft should really earn them a noose in a just world, but they would be doing that no matter what, in addition to whatever other crap.
you can’t prove that no god exists, but there are a lot of proofs that the christian god cannot possibly exist.
and it’s important to remember: a christian is only one god less atheist than you. they need to prove zeus, shiva, quetzocoatl, and loki don’t exist or their religion is just nonsense.
yeah! I don’t deserve better, but the people whose fault this is deserve much worse.
years, dear. it’s years.
if they’re standing in a line, they’re not raping murdering kidnapping or stealing anyone/anything. I’m fully in support of them doing this.
hey! they would also protect rich secular fascists and poor nazis. give them the credit they deserve.
and seriously, you can do better, sauces tend to keep for a while, especially the quality youd get there, and YOU CAN MAKE BETTER OMG. a five dollar (fuck) bottle and two dollars of ingredients makes a years worth of most of these kinds of sauces in bulk.
it’s slightly curved, because earth is not flat, and is constantly spinning. also there might be weather/air current concerns that would save time/fuel. this is like the first thing you learn drinking on the other side of a bar from someone who has ever interacted with the ‘actually doing things’ side of any aircraft.
plus security concerns. lots of shady crap in california they don’t want just anyone looking at from above.
explain in detail
please do.
no, this is SF to LA. It was the estrogen in the water that turned the flight path gay.
edit: we may also have local aviation laws that prevent straight flight paths. I’m not familiar with california aviation laws.
into? probably. helped by? probably larger.
and it’s altadena, which was recently the hub of some pretty big mutual aid efforts, so there’s a chance some of that might actually happen!
if you’re poor when you get the money, you still get taxed for being poor, and the sin of class mobility. only money made AFTER you get rich is safe.
true. but when does anyone ever show a mastodon or pixelfed post here?
honestly im coming around on white genocide the past few months. kill the anglo, save the man.
edit: doing my part, by being super gay and keeping nothing from my culture of origin.
disorganized information is kinda indistinguishable from this ‘entropy’ stuff. it’s very inconvenient. we should change that. does anyone know where to change the server settings here?