FLQ2: Quebecois Beugéleau
FLQ2: Quebecois Beugéleau
Sorry, I was joking. I don’t actually think fruit paint ball is safe or productive.
I do still need to sell my iShares and move over to BMO.
I also deleted my account with Microsoft and Nvidia, so that’s Gamepass and GeForce out the window. Boosteroid is an EU alternative cloud gaming platform, which I believe is available in Canada. The only issue I have is that the available games all seem to require Steam. If it’s not available on PSN, Nintendo, GoG, or physically; I’m not buying it.
I feel like I might have made a mistake moving from iPhone to Samsung/Android. I went with the Samsung Flip 6, and I’m not sure if I can switch OS. I have turned off and replaced all Google services, but i believe they are still lurking in the background. I’m not sure what else I can do.
I would love to know if there’s an alternative to Mastercard or Visa.
It’s been such a process for me. And then the double and triple checking that I won’t lock myself out of something that I’ve connected to through Google or Apple.
I went through my google authenticator a few times just to make sure all the 2FA had been switched over to Proton.
In the last few weeks, I’ve deleted Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Amazon, PayPal, Switch, Reddit, Prime, and iCloud.
Replaced my iPhone with Samsung and de-googled as much as possible. Using Aurora store and 3rd party apps for all the basics. Proton for email, password manager, VPN, etc. Qwant/Vivaldi browsers and search, Here We Go maps.
I replaced pretty much all streaming services with a Plex/Overseer server. Today is the day I delete my Apple account. Goodbye Tim Apple!
I still have my Google account for YouTube access. I’m not sure yet how I can replace it. I noticed that a lot of channels are available in video format on Spotify now, but maybe only like 30% of the stuff I watch.
Remove the price tag that’s typically on the shelf below the product. It’s usually just a little paper insert behind some plastic.
Little US flag or Trump stickers that you can discretly add to packaging.
Placing the products upside down is a good one.
For loose produce: place fruit or veg in the little carry bags that are usually nearby, as much as you can fit. Then, just put the filled and tied bag back.
What if, in this case, the ‘somewhere else’ is in the bin? Or just randomly chucked through the ceiling tiles?
A sort of fruit based ‘paint ball’ would surely stop them from importing US produce.
I see your point, but I feel like spreading the risk a little would’ve been the more secure trade policy. 70% reliance on one country seems borderline obscene. Of course, hindsight is 20/20 so there’s not really any point in me complaining about what should have been. All we can do now is work to correct the mistake.
I hadn’t even considered this. I think I have most of my ETFs with BMO (Canadian), but I might have some iShare’s, too. Thanks for the reminder!
curb your enthusiasm theme plays
Is it time for an expanded digital services tax? Why not tax foreign social media like we tax sugar, alcohol, nicotine, and fast food? The imposition of minimum pricing rules per account or per post would be a huge disincentive. Maybe regulate them like traditional media. Ban foreign ownership?
Edit: spelling
Kindling for November 5th.
Oh, I see. I hadn’t considered that that could be used as a pretense for military action.
Trump’s stable genius trade advisor was just on one of their propaganda networks suggesting that Canada is also run by Mexican cartels. It’s all a bit Monty Python, honestly. Just waiting to hear who he’s nominating for Secretary of Silly Walks.
Proton + Ghostery wombo combo should still work for now for ad blocking and VPN.
After some quick interneting, apparently we have the technical and industrial capacity to do so, but lack intention, having committed to peaceful, civilian use of the technology through non-proliferation treaties, etc.
I mean, in an ideal world, that’s how it should be.
I think it very much is for certain states. Particularly Florida.
I would very much rather we err on the side of caution when it comes to our sovereignty and Trumps erratic, ego driven foreign policy.
I may have picked it up wrong, but I think i read somewhere that European and Canadian based travel providers are already reporting a 40% reduction in travel bookings to the US.
That might require a fact check, but if true, that could be quite devastating for the US tourism industry. And we’re only a few months into his presidency, so one might expect that to drop further.
I also read that realtors in Florida specifically are being overwhelmed with requests for quick sales on foreigner owned properties.
It’s not nothing.
Are you under the impression that the Ricans invented and own music, TV, movie theatres, and video games? You are literally on the internet right now. All of human knowledge is at your fingertips, and you could very easily go and confront some of your very perplexing assumptions.
LEMMEE IN! (ノ゜ー゜)ノ