- Death of a Unicorn, a horror-comedy from A24
- The Woman in the Yard, a psychological horror from Blumhouse
- A Working Man, an action-thriller from MGM
I’m making this post to bring attention to original movies being released that people here might not have heard about. If it’s recieved well, perhaps I’ll make this a weekly series of posts about originals being released.
Okay, technically, A Working Man is based on a book, but for all intents and purposes, it’s original.
If you told me that these posters were parody artwork I would belive you.
The text is too clear to be AI; must be real!
…this timeline sucks.
I’m not convinced they aren’t
Theres multiple theatrical trailers for the woman in the yard.
The first one looks like a porn parody and I dont know why.
“Death of the Unicorn - One mens struggle with erectal disfunction”
Working Man is technically original but its also Jason Statham shooting a million dudes while acting like Billy Badass so its kinda just derivative of all his other movies.
It looks so generic 😑
You see Statham on the poster, you know exactly what you are getting.
Oi, I’m from fackin landan you, cant. jump kick to the head
So aufentic it makes me omesick, innit?
I was surprised by just how far they pushed the ending of The Meg 2. That might be only a film I like though!
Ferocious bald man
Jason Statham is like his own IP now, similar to superhero or star wars movies. Should we call it the “Jason Statham universe”?
You mean the Stathamverse?
Haha, yes, that!
“From the director of The Beekeeper” is enough to make me uninterested in this.
That movie sucked, even for a “Jason Statham kills people for 90 minutes” movie.
Hmmm, sounds like something I’ll like.
If you just like “Shoot Em Up” movies and aren’t turned off by the idea of Paul Giamatti sucking on a dead woman’s milky tit then I have the movie for you.
He had all kinds of jobs. First a transporter, a mechanic and then a bee keeper.
Sounds like… a working man 😂
And an extensive military career as a highly trained operative in every private and government special program.
He is the Johnny sins of the acting world, obviously not as accomplished still.
Plus a diver and a dancer in music videos. But these two in real life.
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He’s like the AC/DC of acting: you know exactly what you’re getting each time.
Sounds VERY original.
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And we love to see it!
*except Spy
I once jumped a car onto a moving train while on fire
It looks like a carbon copy of Bee Keeper
“I just want to do my job” -Jason Statham in Transporter/Beekeeper/Working Man
Went to see Unicorn just as it came out - purely by chance, I was in town and needed to kill a couple of hours.
You’ll find this out if you look at most reviews, but it’s a solid 6/10 movie. It’s competent and has an interesting premise, but it doesn’t do anything terribly original with it. The “scare” moments were predictable to even a passive fan of horror, though not unearned.
What brings it out of mediocrity are the performances; the whole cast is bringing their A game. Even if the characters never really surprise you, they’re still somehow believable and it’s easy to root for (or against) them.
It’s a pity Statham has been typecast and can’t seem to escape it or doesn’t care to.
It’s what I like about him, you know exactly what you’re getting with a statham movie.
you know exactly what you’re getting
That’s my problem. Knowing is not fun. Being surprised is the fun part.
But some people only go to the movies to see something they know they will like, so there is a market for him.
I don’t ever go to a movie unless I know I’ll like it either (or at least expect to like it), I just know I won’t like his movies, because they are just always so uninteresting because they are too absurd.
And absurd doesn’t need to be a bad thing, but I feel like his movies don’t admit or recognize their own absurdity and they take themselves too seriously. That’s why it becomes cheesy.
🤷♂️ What can I say.
In that case go see a different movie, if you want something original or thought provoking you’re not going to choose to watch a statham movie by accident. “Knowing is not fun ‘for you’” there are plenty of people who do enjoy the familiar, otherwise he wouldn’t be so successful.
Ii like them as a pallete cleanser, after watching too many mind fuck TV shows sometimes I need a break with some simple fun thoughtless action movie.“Knowing is not fun ‘for you’”
Indeed, I did say it was “my problem” 😁
In that case go see a different movie
I will definitely do that 😄 Every single movie his characters are so cheesy and he’s so overly macho it’s just absurd and not believable at all. I feel like it caters to the lower end of the intelligence spectrum, a little bit.
But I am not one to take away someone else’s fun, so I’ll definitely not tell someone not to watch it. But I will never recommend one to anyone. 😅
There’s a time for everything, is my personal take. Sometimes I want a film that will be original and challenge me, but I don’t want that every day.
Sometimes it’s relaxing to know there won’t be any big surprises.
Sure. I’d never pay theater money for such an experience though. Like going to a restaurant. One day I don’t want beef bourguignon, some days I want a pack of noodles. But I won’t go to the
theatersrestaurant to get a pack of noodles.That’s fair, but the analogy is wrong, imo. In the sense that I can enjoy a good movie anywhere. I don’t need to see the green book in a cinema to enjoy it, it’s probably even better at home. I go to the cinema for the experience…the huge screen, the sound, etc. Which is why the only movies I’ve seen in cinemas in the past years are Avatar, Furiosa, Deadpool and into the spider verse, pretty much.
I don’t understand how the analogy is wrong if you are describing exactly what I mean. I won’t go to the theaters either if it’s not something spectacular that is enhanced in the cinema in a way that can’t be done at home. Exactly like those movies you mention. And that becomes increasingly difficult for the cinema when I have a 65" OLED with 5.1 surround sound at home. Especially considering the comfort (and price 🏴☠️) of watching at home.
Only ever will I go to the cinema with my kids as an outing, or my wife as a date type of scenario. Otherwise it’s just not worth it IMO. At home I can go to the loo, get a snack, talk all I want, sit on my phone during boring parts… List goes on. 😄
Well, I was just thinking that you can do the bourguignon at home, whereas you can’t really have an IMAX at home. Maybe I was just overthinking it, my bad :D sorry
Fair :)
imagine him in a romantic comedy
We’ll never know… Hey, he might be amazing in it, who knows.
Unless that movie is Snatch.
I wouldn’t say Snatch was a ‘statham movie’ it’s a ‘Guy Ritchie movie’. Statham is just in it. Same with the movie Spy, although it is one of stathams best roles, playing an exaggerated version of all his other roles.
A pity? The guy is a modern day Jackie Chan making an absolute killing doing exactly the types of movies he loves to make. His production company is called Punch Palace Productions… pitying him feels like pitying a world class Sushi chef that doesn’t also make Chicken Tikka Masala.
I do wish he’d be in more comedies, though. He was fantastic in Spy with Melissa McCarthy.
I mean, I just can’t imagine the type of people than enjoy this kind of slop
Brain devoured by adoration of the actor I guess. Extremely gay movies. There’s no gayer stuff than Jason statham with a big gun and two magazines
Tell me you’re too young to be online without supervision without telling me.
bitch I am old as fuck 🤣
I wish I would be so young tho thank you
Not everything floats everybody’s boat, thank God!
It’s not a good boat if it sinks to a bottom
Unless… it’s a SUBmarine
Pretty sure Jason Statham twirling in a leapord print speedo gives him with a big gun a run for its money.
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I don’t really hate Jason playing only one kind of role, if the universe around him is interesting.
if the universe around him is interesting
💀 Is it ever
What you don’t love his generic action movies like:
Wrath of Man
Working Man
Wild Card
Beekeeper 2
Of the many accusations that you can hurl at it, I don’t know if “generic” applies to The Beekeeper. Like, the plot in that movie really goes places. Most of them ridiculously stupid,
Never seen it, but I’ve heard it described as “dollar store john wick”, so I figured it fit into this list.
Don’t get me wrong, it absolutely is that, but that’s the surface level shit that got the movie financed. Underneath those obligatory trappings (which the film itself seems relatively uninterested in exploring) is a film so ridiculous, I have to question if they are pulling a sneaky and engaging in knowing parody. I refuse to spoil where the second act of that movie leads, because it was a wonderful surprise while I was watching what I figured was going to be, as you said, “dollar store John Wick”.
I gotta be clear though, it still isn’t better than a 3/5 even with an aggressively charitable attitude, but it should be criticized for its actual faults, not for what people assume it is.
Perhaps it is an easy role for him and it makes a lot of money?
What about Snatch? I liked that he played a loser who was always just one step away of getting murdered.
I’ll have to watch it again to see. I think it’s from before he was typecast though, or before he decided to lean in to the typecast. Lucky for me it’s raining and doesn’t look like it’s going to stop any time soon so there’s no time like the present.
I think the last good thing I saw him in was The Bank Job and that was ages ago. I wouldn’t mind the typecasting if the films were that interesting and entertaining.
It was from before. Amazing movie, he doesn’t fight at all, just yells at Tommy the tit and manages illegal boxers. Tol 10 movie. Also lock stock and two smoking barrels, similar to snatch, but about card games. Both guy Ritchie, both around 2000, both top tier.
Original movies come out all the time. Any given week, if you look up what’s currently playing, there are some original movies. I’m so sick of people constantly complaining there’s nothing original because they’d know about all the original movies coming out if they actually cared. It’s like hearing someone complain there’s nowhere to buy groceries while on a street with three grocery stores.
nobody advertising originals means nobody will see them since they might sa well not exist. Not everyones browser home page is the imdb released today list. Basically nobodies is. Most people are casual viewers. I’d say its very good casual viewer is getting exhausted of capeshit or sequels and wants something new. Unless you want only films people see to be disney cashgrabs or marvel copy pastes, I don’t see why you complain people bringing attention to different films, especially ones not from hollywood.
I’m not complaining about bringing attention to original films. I’m just saying if all the people whining “there’s nothing original” actually wanted original, they’d bother to look up what’s playing
Yeah but I think it’s childish to complain about movies “might as well not existing” if you haven’t even looked for them.
Things that don’t get advertised might as well not exist.
Is that your attitude to everything in life? The only book I’ve seen advertised lately is the new Hunger Games. Do people assume it’s the only book released lately or do people who want to read go to the fucking bookstore and see what else is there? If you need a new stove or a new sofa, do you wait around for an advertisement or do you fucking look for what you want? If you have a child, do you research what toys and books might be good for them or do things only exist if an advertisement happens across your screen?
I dont go on bookdatabase or gamesdatabase or sofadatabase and take all the new books/games/sofas released that day. I usually watch reviews from people i trust and any that have caught my eye from people talking about them online, eg recently released threads. After which I add it to a list to check it out later. As in reminder that word of mouth advertising is advertising and you are complaining about it.
You know why? You would if you checked new movie/whatever releases. It is cause 90-99% of new releases are shit. And again i don’t know a single fucking person who sits in the new releases one and spends hundreds every day watching films (that may not even available in their region) in order to “not be someone influenced by marketing, word of mouth or otherwise” cause that is insane.
Where did I complain about word of mouth advertising? Somehow you took my comment as a complaint about the original post advertising that there are original films. I didn’t take any issue with the post.
My complaint is people saying there are no original films when there are. I think it’s reasonable to expect someone who cares enough to complain that there are no original films to care enough to look up what films are out
Calling people childish for wishing there were more original movies and more advertising for original movies and spending every single post arguing how people should just shut up and find movies on their own. Your attitude says that to me, even if you did not mean it.
All three of these look pretty interesting.
Tomorrow I’m seeing The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes Movie before it leaves theaters. I like to support 2D animation on the big screen, and I’m not really into horror movies or Statham action movies.
For those who might be interested, Paul Rudd stars in Death of a Unicorn, and David Harbour and Michael Peña are in A Working Man.
Eh, I prefer to support 1D animations.
A enjoyer of the finer tastes of animations.
A24 and Blumhouse will always get the benefit of the doubt from me, at least for me checking them out. Paying for a theater experience has to be for a movie I’m super hyped for, however.
A Working Man has Jason Statham. Is it original if he’s just the same character in every movie?
Do you like Jason Statham?
Do you like seeing people being beaten up for 90 minutes?
Then you’ll love Jason Statham in Jason Statham Beats People Up For 90 Minutes starring Jason Statham.
Planning on seeing A Working Man and Death of a Unicorn this weekend.
A fresh horror movie to watch that I have never heard of before?
Yes please!
Two, if one counts Death of a Unicorn as well, in spite of its comedic elements.
If it’s horror comedy like The Menu I’d probably like it. Tough category to pull off though
The menu was great.
The vibes I get from the trailer is that it will be similar to Ready or Not 2019, which I thought was an okay movie but that the female lead was too helpless towards the end.
How’d you feel about Cabin in the Woods?
I go out of my way to watch as many original movies at the theater as i can so they make and release more. This is a great post to keep tabs on new ones to see. Thanks
These are the types of movies I want to watch. Consider this post received well (by me).
I have heard about one and a half of these.
There are no longer gatekeepers, which means there are no longer promoters outside of narrowly defined online niches associated to specific brands or viral hits.
It… kinda sucks. I miss when we all heard about the same things. There were pros and cons to all the centralied control of dicourse, but man, do the pros sound increasingly better than the cons this century.
Yeah I have to check the Alamo app once a week to keep up what drives me nutts is they release all the originals in the same week to avoid the slop franchise movies. So it makes hard to see them in theater. Since the window for them being there is so short.
At least “a working man” will be something i can just turn on and turn my brain off to. Sometimes you need that.