You are assuming other people share your level of intelligence. Don’t.
Literally think of someone of “average” intelligence and now remember that literally more than 50% of the population is below that on the curve. And even more than half are uninterested in issues outside their life and aren’t questioning things in a way for them to care to know if things are factual when told they are by someone they trust.
You are assuming malice where unfortunately, and especially with humans, stupidity is much more likely.
And here you are saying most again cause you want that to be true. No facts on that. Just pure gut thinking.
You want them to be smart enough to see the grift cause it’s easier to think of then as evil than dumb and malinformed.
You make beliefs based on your own desire. It doesn’t make it true. We have no idea of the split but you are disregarding that stupidity is just as likely because it makes you feel better.
Fine just don’t pretend that’s the truth.