Trump is no root. He’s a long festering symptom. Of something that’s been going on in America for more than a hundred years at this point. If it hadn’t been him it would have been someone else eventually.
The fact that it happened twice and will happen against despite whatever he and AOC are trying to do are the clearest indicator of this symptom.
The Union won, long live the Confederacy! This timeline sucks.
Is it too late to change what timeline we picked at birth?
I think about this often… What if Trump is the best outcome? He’s a genuine fucking incompetent idiot.
That’s the head of fascism in America right now. Better him than someone just as evil, but also intelligent and competent, I suppose.
If the Dems had followed their own primary rules we’d have just witnessed the end of Bernie’s second term and people would be clamoring for term limits to be lifted so he could run again.
But Dems, ironically, aren’t actually democratic.
And gore was allowed to win
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Same could be said about Corbyn in the UK but instead he was couped and now we have the red Tories taking money from those most vulnerable to keep the tax cuts for the rich.
Trumpism is far more preferable to the DNC than Bernie is.
This is the exact problem. The DNC get to watch Trump enact terrible legislation. The electorate will swing back to them. They then will then repeal all the legislation they don’t benefit from and will look like the good guys. But they’ll keep all the legislation that helps politicians pocket more money and humm and haw about bipartisanship making it difficult to change things.
They’d rather do this than have a shift within the party that causes the senior politicians to lose their crowns.
We’ve seen our last free and fair presidential election. These ass hats aren’t going anywhere. They’re gonna spend the next three and a half years purging anyone who won’t brown nose.
In an alternate reality this guy didn’t went through Democrats Primary but run on his own, creating his own political party and team and in the long run I’m sure it would have actually paid off. Even if he would not have won any election for years this is about being able to share your narrative free of any outside influence.
Lol, even a pipe dream calls this unrealistic.
I love Bernie, but he would have not been successful if he went third party and probably would have gotten trump elected with an actual majority in 2016.
Even then you can’t present yourself as an alternative as long as you compromise with Democrat. How it has been done in France is a new party was created that refuse any compromise, they started with ridiculous number but kept growing election on election as the traditionnal left kept compromising each time they won. And now 20 years later the tables have turned and the old left party is basically dead on presidential election
Trying to form a third party while the election laws are still as they are, is just a big fat waste of life.
I wish that was true, but in 2016, Bernie’s loss was not due to DNC fuckery; while in 2020, when it arguably was, Trumpism had already taken root. And as Corbyn in the same period showed, even populist left-wing leadership does not guarantee left-wing electoral victory.
Our problems are much deeper rooted, unfortunately.
Bullshit. If the DNC had not been in the bag for Hillary in 2016, it would have been an entirely different primary. Her whole campaign was based on her “electability” and how dangerous it would be to put Bernie up against Trump. Between the superdelegates, the bribery, the caucus malfeasance, and the blatant lies, Hillary and the DNC did everything but literally stab the man in the actual back.
And that’s fine. The Democrats can pick their candidate however they want. The party leadership thought that Hillary was a better choice. But there’s been an effort to rewrite history to absolve the party leadership, many of whom are still in positions of power ten years later. The DNC fucked America, and they are as responsible as anyone for the disasters of the last, let’s say, 50 years.
Maybe Bernie would have lost to Trump. Maybe Hillary would have beaten Bernie in a fair primary. We can’t possibly know those things, because that’s not what happened. We do know that the primary was not a fair election, and we do know that Hillary shat the bed against Trump.
But if it had been Sanders in a national debate, making the arguments, giving impassioned speeches, drumming up supporters and energizing the left, then at the very least Trumpism would not have gone unchallenged. There would have been resistance. Instead, Hillary and the Democratic leadership let go of the rope and now we’re in the middle of a coup d’etat.
I was very active in the political scene then. It couldn’t have been more obvious that msnbc, npr, and the broader DNC was setting up Hillary for a coronation.
She was already pushed aside in 2008 and it wasn’t going to happen again. Hence why they cut back immensely on the number of DNC sanctioned debates.
2020 was a different beast in some ways. Democrats are not agile. They do not adapt to the moment. They play on seniority, and boy did they really play on seniority this time.
Biden held a grudge against Obama because he told Biden to hold off and give Hillary her turn. So here we go again with the coronation.
Combine the fact that Warren and Sanders split the progressive coalition while Michael Bloomberg joined the race to derail progressive candidates by spending $1 billion of his own money (unprecedented), and the rest is history.
I ultimately did vote for Hillary and Biden but the game being played couldn’t have been more obvious.
Between the superdelegates,
Unpledged delegates were never the issue, as much as that drum was beaten (until they were Bernie’s only path to victory, at which point suddenly everyone was onboard with wooing them).
the bribery,
the caucus malfeasance,
and the blatant lies,
Bruh, if the campaign was sunk by the other side lying, it was never going to stand a chance against the fucking GOP, which lies as easily as breathing.
Bernie lost in 2016 by some 10%, and the only reason he came that close was because Clinton was exceptionally unpopular amongst conservative Dems - as seen by Bernie’s poor performance in those selfsame areas in 2020 against Biden, himself not exactly radically ideologically from Clinton.
We do know that the primary was not a fair election,
Not even close to the truth. Fuck’s sake.
I voted for Bernie twice, in 2016 and 2020. I would vote for him again in a heartbeat. That’s not the same as thinking that there was some secret wellspring of support waiting in the wings that the evil DNC suppressed. We lost because this is not a left-leaning country.
But there’s been an effort to rewrite history to absolve the party leadership, many of whom are still in positions of power ten years later.
Man, fuck them, but these are all things I said at the time as well. And I was pissed enough at the time to throw away my vote on a third party in the general election. Bernie, ultimately, was not cheated in 2016 so much as we, the Dem electorate, failed him. That the DNC leadership are a bunch of cowardly, spineless, visionless corporate bootlicks more interested in holding onto their own power in the party than moving America forward is a footnote in this particular story.
They downvote you because you spoke the truth
We were on the verge of greatness, we were THIS CLOSE
Sweaty, it done took root. These ideas are not new.
The word you used does not mean what you think it means.
Cool story sweaty
Are you ignorant of the meme, or just an annoying pedant? Find out in the next episode!
Not sure how much difference it would make.
He would need 218 Progressives in the House, 50 Progressives in the Senate, unless there is a majority of Progressives, I doubt there will be any fundamental changes.
Probably some good executive orders tho.
I’m sick of people giving up on now because Bernie didn’t win the primary in 2016.
There wasn’t a conspiracy (unless you believe the right wing/foreign propaganda) he just plain didn’t win.
I wish I was this naive
Yeah, good luck getting people to acknowledge this hereabouts. He got his ass handed to him here in Texas, my vote be damned. Just after I remember Reddit being replete with conspiracy theories of poll closures because people just couldn’t grapple with the fact that he was less popular than Hillary…
Nevermind that Bernie himself is an independent and not a Democrat.
Tired of seeing this geriatric fuck’s face plastered everywhere. If you want a barely-left-of-center politician to rally behind, at least choose Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. At least she’s still of our generation and recently worked labor.
America does not have a more left politician anywhere.
And? Still not good enough for me. If you want me to give a fuck about politicians in the first place, don’t make them so god damn centrist
So, you’re an obstinate fuck and of no help to anyone. Copy that.
Should we let perfect be the enemy of good?
Should we? Absolutely not
Will the left do it anyway? Probably, if history is an indication.
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