Cripple. History Major. Irritable and in constant pain. Vaguely Left-Wing.
let me tell you about this austrian painter and what he did in poland and germany before the ussr liberated them
How did he get into Poland, again?
For that matter, who told the German KPD not to cooperate with the SPD against reactionary forces?
Just wait until you start hearing defenses of Ceaușescu and the Securitate.
Saved from those dirty capitalist pigs, who would’ve destroying the living standards of the workers, set them to long and inhumane work quotas, and destroyed their strikes with the force of the bourgeois state!
Utterly repulsive and inhumane. Fuck’s sake…
“The West will only survive if we split up and lick the boots of authoritarians”
Combining posting activity and views per posts yields us with this perspective of total views. Different rates of amplification mean that the already big differences in posting activity are magnified. So this is what happened. We can easily see how we get to TikTok, as an environment, having much more Pro-Palestinian content than Pro-Israel content. We can also see that for much of October 2023, General content was by far the most dominant. But these data alone cannot tell us why there were such meaningful differences in views per post. There is at least one thing we can rule out, however. This effect doesn’t appear to be tied to user engagement.
Depends on how far back you were using it. I think it was around '21 that they started fucking with the interface and monetizing answers, and after that, it became much less communal and self-regulating.
Me: “Wow, I see how someone could get addicted to seeing objects as distinct and not conceptual piles”
For real though, I was terrified that ADHD meds would make me feel good, and I’d have to fight that urge/dependency for the rest of my life, and instead they just… give me relief from my symptoms. Insane how brain chemistry works. One brain’s neuro-candy is another brain’s prescription glasses.
This is why the lunatics should never run the asylum
Trans is short for transhuman duh
Me: “Despite the lunacy of conservatives, I will never have to worry about trans supremacy movements”
Transhuman cyborg with an IQ of 250 and a benchpress of several tons, walking up behind my unaugmented ass:
Reddit is only ‘pretty neutral’ insofar as Reddit is barely an entity in and of itself; Reddit communities are much more relevant to the question of bias, and it’s Reddit communities that all Reddit content is derived from.
Wiki is generally reliable, but in the same way that an encyclopedia is reliable. It can make mistakes, and editors can implant their own biases into articles. That being said, most of the “CIAPEDIA” nonsense on here is unfounded.
ChatGPT and other AI are trash for accurate information in my experience. At best, they can point you in the right direction. At worst, they send you on snipe hunts.
Quora used to be better, but has continually degraded and enshittified over the years.
That being said, I would note that obscure articles can often be dominated by a small number of editors with specific ideological axes to grind. As long as you know the bureaucratic processes of Wikipedia, and have an infinite amount of energy to waste arguing with people in the Talk pages, you can get away with quite a bit. Not outright misinformation, but portrayal of fringe academic theories as mainstream, and vice-versa.
Suppose they should do it soon, before Trump takes a bigger bribe from China to reverse course.
There are suggestions that that the algorithm is imbalanced on the subject, though ‘why’ it is is pure conjecture.
It’s a sign used by Hamas to mark military targets; some online use it as an expression of solidarity with Hamas.
Oppressors never seem to vary their playbook, and yet people seem to fall for it all the same.
Two choirboys pawns only
Times of crisis rarely lead to popular uprisings taking power. Times of crisis usually lead to entrenched elites claiming more power.
People will generally starve rather than revolt.
“We had a bipartisan consensus that this needed to be done, but there wasn’t enough enthusiasm until Israel was threatened”
We, as a species, are resilient. I suspect we’ll be around a while.
As individuals, on the other hand? Well, the odds probably aren’t great.