• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023


  • I have a private theory about that, actually (that is, not backed up by research yet to my knowledge).

    I think this is due to accidental gaps, that some languages allow for clusters that just don’t happen to appear in those languages by an accident of history (e.g. they allowed them at one point but they were eliminated by a phonotactic filter that no longer exists in the language, etc.), so when they borrow a word with that string now, they can pronounce it no problem.

    If you think about phonotactic constraints as being the result of constant rankings (as in models like Optimality Theory), this should even be predicted as a form of Emergence of the Unmarked (though stop clusters are pretty marked, so this would be more like “local” or “coincidental” unmarkedness).

    I also think that studying borrowing adaptations like this would give us a more accurate picture of the overall constraint ranking of a given language than just restricting ourselves to native words.

  • What actually happened is that these roots were borrowed from Ancient Greek by paleontologists to form the word “pterodactyl”, not modern Greek.

    In Ancient Greek, they would have pronounced both the “p” and the “t”, but “pt” isn’t a possible beginning of a word for English speakers, and so borrowed words that start with “pt-” (and “mn-” and a few others) have the first sound deleted as a repair mechanism to allow English speakers to pronounce them.

    In modern Greek, “pt” consonant clusters that used to be pronounced as-is have undergone dissimilation - both “p” and “t” are stop consonants, so the “p” has instead become an “f” (which is a fricative, not a stop), to make the cluster easier to pronounce.

  • hakase@lemm.eetoBikini Bottom Twitter@lemmy.worldI wish I knew another language
    24 days ago

    You’re the one that originally said that Anglo-Canadians didn’t realize how racist they are toward French-Canadians, not me. All I’m doing here is agreeing with you, and adding that French-Canadians do realize how racist they are, because for them it’s literally a matter of widely supported, highly publicized government policy in addition to being a deeply-ingrained cultural chip-on-the-shoulder.

    You can either take our lived experience at face value and gain some perspective, or you can continue to bury your head in the sand. Either way I’m tired of yet another Quebecer gaslighting me about how good I have it here, so I think I’m done. Bonne nuit.