Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy asserted that no world leader has the right to negotiate with Russian President Vladimir Putin on behalf of Ukraine.
Speaking to Le Parisien readers, Zelenskyy emphasized that Ukraine alone determines its future and any dialogue with Russia must follow a peace plan based on strength and international support.
He warned against negotiating without clear guarantees of security, highlighting the risks of Putin resuming aggression after a ceasefire.
Zelenskyy called for a strategy ensuring Ukraine’s long-term stability and security, beyond NATO or EU membership timelines.
I am so sad by how Ukraine has been handled.
The West should have been an overwhelming power against Russian imperialism. Ukraine should have been given everything from the beginning, no strings attached, with no self-imposed red lines.
They will swallow another democracy in 10-20 years and the cycle repeats.
There’s a lot of ‘Should have beens’ when it comes to Ukraine, Russia, and geopolitics at large that it’s not practical for the average person to dwell on.
I was emotionally invested in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict back in 2014 and couldn’t believe the lack of meaningful response from the West. Alternatively, there’s a large segment of competing arguments suggesting that NATO shouldn’t have kept expanding east while treating the recently toppled Soviet nations as active beligerents in the 90s and early 2000s. -There’s so much should have and should not have.
And that would likely have ended the war sooner, causing less people to die, and making Putin less likely to try something like it in the future.
Tactically, the plan is to make Russia bleed to death rather than temporarily paralyse it.
Maximizing the loss of russian life and draining the russian economy to the point that the population won’t tolerate any further war is the goal. It’s unfortunate that this is at the cost of ongoing war in Ukraine.
This is a solid take, but the other side of the issue is the question of how long will it take the brainwashed Russian population to realize the economy has passed a point of no return? Outside of major cities much of Russia lives in 3rd world poverty. Will they even notice if the ruble falls to zero?
everything keeps pointing to time being a circle, the same things will continue to happen every 20-30 years. like the show Dark.
Turns out neither the west or russia gives a shit about Ukraine.
Please be more concrete. Who is the west? Because in Denmark we throw resources at Ukraine to support their efforts.
they’ll give a shit once all other options have been exhausted, and people realize the next step is actual shooting war, with the bombs falling on Warsaw, Helsinki, Berlin, etc. When they realize they’re on their last legs before the big one, then they’ll take it seriously.
America is a write off, Regulatory captured by the Russian Federation / Russian Mob, Same thing At the very least until 2026 midterms. Europe is still in denial that its time to switch from butter, to guns. Literally
nothing for the US to steal.
There is a lot in Ukraine to “steal”. It’s a large land mass with a long border with both Belarussia and Russia. They still have plenty of Black Sea border, and with proper support could have lot more. Breadbasket of Europe, plenty of nuclear plants and knowledge in that area. The Zone. Ukrainian people, one of the oldest cultures in Europe with all that that entails.
I don’t think they have the oil reserved the US wants to steal
They have uranium though, which could be more important in the future. Even if Russia gets all the land they currently control by military, plenty of those uranium deposits would remain with Ukraine.
Maybe no civilian targets. But other than that totally agree. We should have put lend lease circa 1940s to shame
Ah yes “muh Russian Imperialism” argument/excuse that we all heard a bajillion times
What exactly do you describe Russia’s actions in Ukraine then if not imperialism? Do you believe Ukrainians have a right to self determination?
They lost the right when they Allowed a coup govt to take control & bow down to US interests & harbour Nazis
Russia you mean of course.
& USA (mostly)
Putin has repeatedly mentioned in public interviews that he wants to restore the Russian Empire. Do you think he’s lying?
Suuuuuure & you think people who support putin are Putin simps who totally don’t want to simply not have US hegdemony
Remove america from the equation and Russians would still want a sphere of influence and colonies. Imperialism is married to the russian identity
Except America is the epitome of Imperialism (& by extension Europe)
Ah yes, “
” argument/excuse that we all heard a bajillion timesRussian imperialism is as real as any other. What makes russia different? What do you think is the reason for the war?
Resources mostly & technically what makes US a better alternative, I was expecting you to side with Both US & Putin due to your love for fascism
What do you call conquering neighboring countries to get more resources?
lmfao. okay bro, you know literally nothing about me, but apparently i’m already a fascist.
and resources doesn’t make a country any less/more genocidal, or imperialist.
and fuck the US, fuck putin. unlike you, i’m not a hypocrite.
Except Putin with all his craziness has done significantly less carnage compared to US & Israel (That’s Putin’s only redeeming quality) Reminder not justifying Russia’s actions but hey you people usually ignore that
Two things can be bad at once. Eastern Imperialists are still Imperialists.
And how does this justify the invasion? Russia is in the wrong. I’m not sure who or what you’re arguing for here.
Try placing Russian Nukes in Brazil