This meme passes the Donald Trump Is A Rapist news trustworthiness test.
When was the last time anything about this old fuck turned out not to be true?
I never say his name, I just refer to him as Jeffrey Epstein’s closest friend and everyone knows who I’m talking about.
Call him Donald. He hates it
I call him DonOld.
Call him Donald. He hates it
Yeah, but beinf assosciated with him is insulting to all the other Donalds out there and Donald is inside the top 20 most common boy’s names in the US over the period that most current adult males were born. I presume that’s why he hates it - it’s a common name, some might say a peasant name (despite it’s meaning).
Why are you scared of his name?
Who said I was afraid to say his name? Can you read? I’m like Pussy grabbing Don, I like to give nickname to people. From now on you will be “Illiterate Cheese”.
Hello elder,
as it is tradition I have come to you, now as I passed the border from a boy to becoming a man. A line you can never go back.
Please, give me my name.
You have done well my child. Henceforth you shall be known as “The kid who will never be a Man”.
I don’t find him worthy of referring by name either. As a cunt obsessed with two things, one of which is putting his name literally everywhere, he just gives needy and pathetic energy. He’s unworthy. There are so many better and more appropriate names you can call him anyway. Like orange pedo rapist.
If you wanna think we’re scared because it makes you feel less pathetic yourself, have at it, hoss. I hope you have fun riding that weird-ass high.
We saved the Stone, it’s gone, he can’t use it. Have a Chocolate Frog, I’ve got loads.
seriously refusing to say his name is on that level of ridiculous
I understand. When talking about Macron, I don’t say his name either. Not because I refuse to say his name but because I don’t need to. The mangy junkyard dog is good enough of a description that everyone knows what this refers to.
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The KKK’s choice.
The Taliban’s choice.
The Kremlin’s choice.
And Qanon’s choice which is so weird because they claim to protect the children but it’s their guy who’s the one who’s not protecting our children.
It’s not weird to be self-contradicting when you are are solidly established as being full of shit. It drives me nuts for example when people say that it’s strange that Trump said X but is doing Y. It’s perfectly predictable, it’s not strange. Know your source and set your expectations.
They’re just accelerationists.
Even money the Kremlin and qanaon are one
There does seem to be lots of evidence that supports this:
And America’s choice, apparently. Next 4 years are gonna be a ride.
Thank you for saying it. A steady 30% Americans are pathologically dumb enough to drag the rest of the country into their own private hellscape
These assholes care about what happens literally halfway around the world, than the bonfire happening in their own backyard. I’m still processing the level of stupidity, apathy and plain lack of awareness on display. Now I’m guessing they’ve taken to criticizing social media posts to vent their virtue signals.
You say 30%, I say the majority who gives enough of a fuck to vote…
Plenty of blame to go around!
Don’t forget the tankies choice, too.
Be them authoritarian or not, no communist wants him.
True commies… sure. But tankies get off from authoritarian oligarchs.
I think we define “tankie” differently.
I’ll appeal to urban dictionary as the authority to say that no hard-line Stalinist wants Trump except as a means of acceleration towards capitalism’s downfall.
Meanwhile stalin and his gang were oligarchs capitalists.
I’m not sure what response you expect to ad hominem. This’ll have to suffice.
Sure that’s what they say, but actions speak a lot louder than words.
I am not willing to take any political radicals word for it.
Have you asked them why or did you make shallow assumptions of their intent?
Let’s not pretend here. Over half of America voted for him this time. Last time almost half of America voted for him.
This is America. You can blame russia, you can blame whoever, but still the end of the day this is America and Americans fault.
Go talk to the 60% of white people in this country who voted for him and make them realize that they are idiots and racists. Then maybe you’ll get a change.
Nope, less than half of eligible voters did in fact vote for Trump. This is quite less than half of America in addition.
63% of eligible voters voted in 2024 and 49% of the popular vote went to Orange Hitler.
155000000 out of 244000000 voters voted roughly. About 76000000 voted for the orange pedo, which is about 23% of the USA’s population of 336000000.
This. I wish they’d stop blaming others and take ownership of their vote, or choice to sit it out. Instead. everything from Biden, to Kamala following Biden, to the Dems being a mess, to whats happening in Ukraine and Gaza, etc seems to be more important. Fools.
Not half the population. Using approximates:
US population: 345 million
Can vote: 245 million
Did actually vote: 156 million (63%)
Voted drump: Just over half (78 million or 50.5%) of those that voted
US population who voted for tangerine: Around 22%, or 1 in 4
US population who could vote and did vote for tangerine: 31%, or 1 in 3
so you can’t blame propaganda causing this to happen?
No, you can blame propaganda telling those voters in safe states to stay home. So even tho Trump won the electoral college handily, those stupid fuckers fell for the crap because they’re fucking lazy and gave him both houses of Congress and a slew of right wing state level govts.
Non-voters paved the path for dicktaster Trump because so many people bitched and moaned about votes “not counting” (yes they fucking do, 99.99% of races aren’t the president) and propagandists picked up on that and amplified the hell out of that message.
Note: no evidence, just my own angry rant about my own observations of this last election
Yeah. I figured the repubs are the ‘take charge, get shit done’ people and the Dems are more like the ‘John Lennon hippie types more interested in virtue signalling than action’ types. Good feelings don’t get results I guess. Who knew? Shrugs now the copium seems to point blame at the system and candidates instead of owning their choice (apparently also a Dem trait). The rest of the world doesn’t thank those who sat it out. They should be ashamed.
I don’t think it’s as bad as people think. We have all believed, believe, and will believe misinformation. It’s a part of being human.
You are prompted to check at some point; someone tells you you’re wrong, you are curious, things feel incongruous, whatever. You find out you’re wrong and you update your shit. Easy, life goes on.
But certain people seem to actively shop for rhetoric that will look good on their shelves. You tell them they’re wrong and they dig in. They usually have no filter and say their ideas out loud even if it denigrates others.
It’s like propaganda is a chemical being injected that binds with cancer cells so you can more easily see them with the naked eye. The chemical touches everything but it “reacts” with the cancer.
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Yeah propaganda exists but the point is that this is already who the US has shown themselves to be. It is and has been a racist oligarchy for as long as I’ve been alive, and most likely longer.
The second Obama won you had shitheads burning efficiency of him or hanging him from trees.
My point is it’s easy to blame Russian interference, etc. It’s harder to look inwards and realize that oh hey, this country is actually just not thatbgreat and we’ve been living on lies for the last 80 years.
It is deeply, deeply racist and always has been. It is deeply oligarchical, and always has been.
There is more in common with modern day russia than there is with any civilized 1st world country in western Europe.
Love that typo, autocorrect strikes again. But I wouldn’t say the country is deeply, deeply racist. That just feels a little harsh. It’s racist for sure, but I would reserve the double deep for when slavery was still allowed. Also I think it is a bit of human nature to be racist in that humans naturally form groups, and race is an easy way to do it for a lot of people. Humans just haven’t evolved at the same rate our technology and society have. You have to put effort into not being racist (unconscious bias) and a lot of people just don’t know that. Others don’t care. The number of countries that are more racist than the US is probably greater than those that are less. We still all have a lot of work to do, but it’s going to take time.
I deeply disagree with this. You are not born a rasist and this is something you have to work against. Young children are not rasist, it is created by society and the enviroment you grow up in. Don’t call it human nature. Yeah, if you meet person from a tribe that has never seen a white person before they will think you look funny, but they wont mistreat you. Rasist mistreats you for looking different. In today and age it is beyond bullshit to say you have never seen person of color before so that excuse is not enough either.
This fucking eel should’ve been behind bars many years ago. Now he’s going to destroy the world econony and USAs integrity. It’s going to be an interesting 4 years to come.
The GOP has 20 senate seats up for election in 2026, compared to the Dem’s 13. Flipping the Senate will be pretty easy, and getting within 1 vote of removing Trump from office will be technically possible.
All our efforts should be focused on ending the GOP in 2026. Make it such a bloody takedown that the remaining GOP gets on board with removing Trump in order to save the party.
Sigh, I’ve seen this comment for 30 years now… We’re always just one election! A few years! Away from getting rid of Republican control… This next time bro, trust me!
Just vote harder next time
Vote early, vote often, this is the way.
Sarcasm aside, i complelty agree.
That’s never worked before. Why will it work now?
Not voting doesn’t help either. In fact, that is why you guys got Trump in the office now.
So work in overthrowing the system, but still go out and vote.
I held on tightly to my principles, reasoned it out, and voted for a platform that represents my best interests.
Did you vote for a platform that represents your best interests?
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USAs integrity
Wait, we had integrity left? With who?
Hehehe U.S.A integrity. Good one. Classic Ol’ StThicket.
I know right?
He already did that the first time. If he didn’t get elected a second time there might be benefit of the doubt but now everyone knows the US’s word isn’t worth shit.
He is doing good work for Putin and China though by effectivity dissolving US soft power.
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doesnt change a thing. we all know him. can we discuss how disgusting US voters are. they know too and even say they know he is bad. ans yet they vote him. you cannot blame the orange man, the majority of US citizens is just pervy and dumb.
I saw a trump supporter on twitter say he could see Trump raping his mother right in front of him and he would still vote for him.
That is what we are up against and all these nut jobs are going to have a free for all for the next four years.
he could see Trump raping his mother right in front of him and he would still vote for him
Social media really sucked the meaning out of words, didn’t they? Goddamn.
Social media really sucked the meaning out of words, didn’t they? Goddamn.
I’m not sure I understand this comment. Do you think this Trump supporter doesn’t actually know what he said?
I mean that if they had uttered them on the town’s main square someone would have slapped some sense into them
That doesn’t change my assessment of the sincerity of his comment nor that he’s using the words the way they have traditionally been used.
I don’t think he means it.
I haven’t seen any behavior on the part of vocal Trump supporters to make me think those words weren’t meant.
That’s something we will never know, but I would place my bet on desensitizing or trying to deliberately shock the reader, rather than on not meaning what they said.
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That person will likely never change but it doesn’t matter. We need to focus most importantly on empowering and mobilizing those who are already against Trump and focusing on those who either don’t yet have an opinion on Trump (yes they exist), those who are on the fence about him and make our case. Expand our base.
For people in the don’t like Trump category we must teach them how effectively resist him. I think the single most important action is working on building a powerful opposition who will run in local races in 2025 and nationally in 2026. We must work to get as many Democratic votes as possible. Don’t sleep on 2025 because depending on where you live there could be judges up for election or election commissioners. It depends on where you live.
Democrats are toast. They couldn’t beat the easiest guy to beat two times in a row. Blow the whole party up, get rid of the corporate shills, make it an actual democratic left wing party instead of a right wing party and then maybe they’ll get some votes again
There might be a need to focus on those that see your comment as super naive. Trump’s January 20th, 2025 “deportation” is the beginning of something completely different that the United States hasn’t seen since … I don’t know which US reign of terror against which minority to use as a comparison but yeah the idea of voting out a Hitler sounds so not in tune with the upcoming reality.
And there is no stockpile of weapons or warriors or whatever to take on the resources available to Trump transforming the Office of the President of the United States of America to the Throne of Trump.
Indeed, let’s hope the US soldiers remember their oath to the US Constitution .
It’s terrifying, I too worry that what happens will be worse than anything we’ve seen before too.
I didn’t quite understand your first sentence. Would you be able to elaborate more on what you mean?
You don’t win by just saying ‘get more Democratic votes’.
Trump won because he convinced people he was a solution for the corruption. If you want votes for someone else, offer specific solutions to address those concerns. People are fed up with politicians. If you want to sway those votes to blue you’re going to have to offer something beyond business as usual.
He is the corruption but he is their corruption so it is okay. Kind of like my abortion is the only righteous abortion only with rape, fraud, and pedophilia.
Nutter in a cult says what? Remember rusian bots are raping language like this to lose all meaning online.
try longer if they’re not as dumb as they seem.
I skimmed through the court filing, those Sick Bastards!
I don’t doubt it, but got a source?
There are lots of allegations against Trump, more than just her.
This source has multiple official depositions with eye witness accounts. Add in the fact that he was close friends with Epstein, this guy is definitely a child rapist.
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Man, has it been that long since 2016 that there are
peopleAmericans who legitimately aren’t aware of all of this shit?Edit: Fixed
I wasn’t aware of this, I’m not American though, and there are other things I need to know…
Also, look at Ivankas face, she’s looks terrified.
That’s a hell of a smear article to bring up when the charges turned out to be true…
I can believe similar charges against Trump are likely to be true. Trump was in Epstein’s black book 10 times.
These particular “Katie Johnson/Jane Doe” allegations have not been shown to be true
The charges against Trump for raping a 13 year old girl were proven in court.
Unfortunately not. Charges were withdrawn not proven.
Are you referring to a different incident?
Wait, you’re right, I’m thinking of the woman he raped in a department store.
I’m sorry there’s just too many to keep straight. And anyone who has to withdraw their charges because of death threats, has effectively had those charges proven in my book.
There is certainly a very rapey pattern. But my point is that a newspaper can’t call him a rapist and win in court.