I thought I could take this down after the election, apparently not.
Please review the sidebar.
- No self posts.
- No meme/image/shitposting.
- No video links.
- No social media. This includes Substack and Medium blogposts.
- Doxing people, even Nazis, gets you banned.
Those posts are better directed to Political Discussion or Political Memes.
Articles from trusted sources are absolutely welcome.
Items 1-4 can be used in comments, they just can’t be submitted as posts.
The usual lemmy.world rules apply too:
No calls for violence. Full stop.
We’re seeing an uptick in trolling already, trolls will be banhammered without warning.
Thanks for your work especially on this day as the free world lost the USA.
None of us are as “free” as we believe we are. At the end of the day our politicians are all financed by our wealthiest individuals and corporations (many of which are foreign).
No matter where you are the majority of your domestic politics, your geopolitics — your “national security” — is intrinsically linked to the wealthiest individuals and corporations that engage with your economy. This can happen anywhere, and it will if we do nothing.
P.S. thanks mods!
America stands for freedom, but if you think you’re free trying going into a deli and urinating on the cheese - “Anarchy Burger” by The Vandals
I’m not going to make a call for violence, but I want to point out the hypocrisy here. The rich have chosen violence every day of our and their lives, yet we plebes have to be civil about it? Taking the high road hasn’t done us any favors, and it’s about time we learn from that lesson.
If you are open to the risk, you can start your own server that is federated with Lemmy and such where you can allow whatever you wish. There are guides to this and, supposedly (based on looking to start my own single-user mbin instance a few months ago), it’s not so costly
Just with a bit of estimation of the remaining 12% of votes uncounted, Trump is going to beat his 2020 vote record by a couple million, 81 million on the high end and maybe closer to 77 million on the low end. Unlikely, but possible he beats the 2020 all time record set by Biden. Definitely beats his 2020 numbers.
Kamala recently pulled ahead of Hillary’s 65 million and Obama’s 66 million, she’s gonna end up around 71-74 million.
Kamala lost the Popular Vote. In fact she won some blue states by smaller margins then she lost some ‘swing’ states. Nevada might not even be tight enough to qualify as a swing state this election(needs to be 5% or less, Trump’s currently winning by 5.2% meaning it wasn’t a swing state), meanwhile Minnesota was won by 3, New Jersey by 4, New Hampshire by 4 and a half, and Maine might be lost we’ll see, but those 4 were all swing states as the margin was less than 5%. New Mexico and Virginia came very close(and New Mexico would have been under 5 without RFK Jr dragging Trump down a point).
This also suggests the Electoral College no longer favors Republicans, and is somewhere between neutral and actually favoring Democrats again. 2028 a tight election with a Democrat win could see them lose the PV and win the EC.
I had a ton of 2004 vibes from the start and it looks like that was correct. He is coming back to serve a second term, and YES, this time he won the national electiiion
(Also you can’t blame third parties this time, they did horribly nationwide. At worst maybe they tightened up Virginia a bit just through how uniquely bad for Democrats it was there, but on the other hand RFK Jr is the only reason New Mexico didn’t crack a sub 5 margin and go into Swing State territory again(Harris won by 5.2 there and RFK got 1 point. No third party means that crosses the 5 point threshold)
- No self posts.
I strongly think this rule should change, it is important we are able to humanize each other, make our own arguments. Self posts are important way to do that. I think some guidelines to keep it constructive and high effort is warranted but an outright ban I’m against.
- No meme/image/shitposting.
I’m fine with this, but maybe a weekly mega thread to blow off steam in would be healthy?
No calls for violence. Full stop.
I understand the legal obligations here. I’ll also point out the president elect is openly calling for widespread violence. If some can say “cops should shoot/arrest/deport <xyz>” that is a call for violence.
Mods, You have a hard, thankless job, so thank you.
There are already communities for discussion and also meme/images.
Is it fair to redirect people to !politicaldiscussion@lemmy.world where self-posts are allowed?
Oh, absolutely! I think they do videos too!
Good to know! You could maybe consider adding that in the OP, so that people looking for self-posts would know where to go
Good rules. Good moderation, thanks.
I do not care. I do not want every headline that is reported here to be like “TRUMP DID THIS AND PLANS THAG TO FUCK OVER AMERICANS DUH DUH” all the fuck over.
People are upset and they need to be heard. You silencing them just opens the doors to be Trump News 24/7.
So, op-eds from main stream media are allowed, but journalists publishing their work through substack is not allowed. So, only the establishment is allowed to have their voices heard. Got it. Quite the hill to die on @jordanlund
We don’t care who is publishing on Substack. The platform as a whole is not a news source.
That’s increasingly a not very nuanced or serious stance to hold given that actual journalists and columnists do publish on substack, especially those that are trying to break away from billionaire controlled “news sources” with owners that are actually interfering in editorial and reporting decisions. Do you remove all op-eds from your “news sources”? If not, you’re saying billionaire-controlled “news sources” are legitimate, but not independent journalists and columnists with actual bona fides, including having been part of establishment media or worked in government previously. The internet has destroyed journalism, seems wrong to tune out those who are trying to put it together again.
They do, but we aren’t going to go through, blog by blog, separating the wheat from the chaff then getting into arguments of “But, but, you allow THIS Substack blog, why not miiiiinne!”
Nope. Not having that discussion.
Blog sites, Substack, Medium, Blogger, etc. do NOT have the same journalistic standards as news articles, they don’t have journalistic standards to speak of, and are not accepted. Full stop.
Keep in mind that the Nazis will doxx other Nazis as agent provocateurs if that gives them an excuse to shut down their critics.
deleted by creator
Removed by mod
What’s a self post?
Making a text only post with no article.
The fact that ML is not banned says we have no standards.
I think, and I can’t say since I’m just a mod, but I think .ML gets treated with kid gloves because it’s the OG Lemmy.
I think I’m just trying to convince myself…
But it’s not over yet. Lots of votes to be counted still
Don’t give yourself false hope on the Presidential. It’s terribly unlikely.
Our best hope is the house stays blue and they can be a roadblock for the next two years until the midterms, which is likely what happens.
It’s going to be a tiring two years until midterms and four years until we can get rid of him. We’re going to have to fight tooth and nail to keep our rights and freedoms, but we can do it. I can only hope America wakes up once again from the nightmare.
Even hope for the House is looking pretty false right now.
Yeah, they’ll have free reign to implement all their fascist dreams. The world is fucked, the US just sealed our fate. Dumb fucks.
I mean, there’s also hope, however slim, that Biden and Harris say “Fuck no, Trump will not be president again” and exercise some raw power to keep Trump out, or for Harris to engage in the same kind of legal fuckery Trump did. But, of course, Democrats are spineless by nature so neither of those things going to happen in all likelyhood.
E: forgot a space