A Maryland police officer was convicted on Friday of charges that he joined a mob’s Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol and hurled a smoke bomb and other objects at police officers guarding a tunnel entrance.

U.S. District Judge Trevor McFadden heard two days of trial testimony without a jury this week before he found Montgomery County Police Officer Justin Lee guilty of two felonies and three misdemeanors. The judge, who also acquitted Lee of two other misdemeanors, is scheduled to sentence him on Nov. 22.

Lee, 26, ignited and threw a smoke bomb into the tunnel entrance on the Capitol’s Lower West Terrace, where a mob of rioters attacked a group of outnumbered police officers. The device struck a police officer’s riot shield and filled the mouth of the tunnel with a large plume of smoke, prosecutors said.

  • lennybird@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Don’t respond to me, i have heard absolutely enough.

    Aw come on, now… Don’t hit-and-run like that!

    Listen lennybird…i am actually starting to get angry with you

    Oh goodness, will I not like you when you are angry? Are you the Hulk?

    You are selling your point, not listening to anyone

    Let me be abundantly-clear that I feel the same way with many of those I’m conversing with. Naturally I knew when I asked my question in the lion’s den of sorts consisting of tankies and anarchists and socialists – some of whom have rightful grievances against law-enforcement – that I would get quite a strong backlash. The nature of such discussion centered around strong convictions and fueled by emotion (read: your anger) is that a shift in viewpoint doesn’t happen overnight because the neural pathways are worn-in. It takes time. We’re just working through that, is all. This pile-up on me was to be expected, so I really don’t know what the point you’re trying to make here is other than my simply responding to the many commments from other users that I’ve received and engaged wholeheartedly with.

    Again, a name, a religion, a gender, a region – can very often albeit not always be a choice. Nothing wrong with that. Is this REALLY what you want to hinge your entire argument on, that anything that is a choice can be denegrated with prejudice? Because that is precisely the argument that you are making. Besides, some people have no choice but to become cops because that’s the only opportunity that is afforded to them. Forget the fact that you’ve continuously, repeatedly, dodged the statistical fallacy that you are utilizing in making this judgement around All Cops being Bastards.

    Ultimately I’m fighting for the likes of Eugene Goodman who are trying to sow change and lead by example by changing the make-up of the Force… And if enough Goodmans joined the force, then there would be a cultural shift. But I can’t believe this argument is so poor that you have me defending cops when elsewhere on another website I’m arguing with MAGA dumbass about how fucked in the head Chauvin was for his murder of George Floyd… And yet here I am because I very much detest generalized arguments built atop bullshit fallacies. So Recognize that your “ACAB” claim – while it may make you feel good and is great for a punk rock concert and moshing in the pits – doesn’t really get to the heart of the problem and in fact utilizes the same rhetorical pathways that racists and sexists and transphobes use in their rhetoric. Recognize that this term ultimately shoots yourself in the foot for your own cause by deterring any GOOD person from attempting to change the culture of the force because they know people like you will unjustly and with great use of fallacy cast them in the same light as the worst among them.

    Look at the end of the day the solution is simple and all my complaints are gone: Stop shooting yourself in the foot and simply use a logically-sensible abbreviation like MCAB — Many, or Most Cops are Bastards. This is for the same reason that “Defund the Police” was woefully unpopular as a slogan when polled and largely only backfired.