• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023

  • What action are you trying to imply, exactly?

    Sounds like a divisive call for violence and civil war, the exact sort of shit the nuttier conservatives play up when talking about liberals. You aren’t even advocating attacking the definite bad actors in positions of power, you are advocating attacking neighbors.

    This even works as the exact sort of propaganda foreign state adversaries would use to stir up unrest to keep the US frozen from the inside, in to reduce our impact on potential global conflicts, ie Ukraine, Taiwan, South Korea, etc.

    When all you see are enemies, you’ve embraced the very hate you think you are standing against.

  • What?

    Those examples are after-it-actually-happened reports of the US government actively getting corporations to do what they want.

    Get your head out of the sand.

    I don’t trust China, but I’m not going to lie to myself to feel better about a political hitjob, even if Bytedance has it’s multinational corporate governance primarily under China.

    Kapersky is the example you want to point at for an example of a bad actor corp capturing classified data and sending it to an adversarial government. TikTok just trended anti-political messages for a few different popular politicians and lit a match as a result.

  • Well, now they just make you throw out the old Mac hardware and buy new for $1299 (8gb RAM lol) because it’s now out of support for the latest MacOS and the newest versions of Adobe Suite/MS Office/insert productivity work related proprietary software suite here is on board with Apple’s bullshit and won’t run on older MacOS versions.

    The more things change, the more they stay the same.