Here’s an idea to start making it better: ditch fucking electron. There are alternatives that won’t need complete code rewrite or language change (tauri, neutralino). Better yet, actually go ahead with a full language change and pick Dart + Flutter, that shit is crossplat.
But we all know they won’t, because fuck you, “ram is cheap”. Good luck upgrading the ram on your phone.
They used to be native with Kotlin on Android and IDK on iOS. Now they use React Native, which isn’t really electron or native. I’m not sure if it bundles a browser but it sounds like the same as Tauri and Neutralino
Here’s an idea to start making it better: ditch fucking electron. There are alternatives that won’t need complete code rewrite or language change (tauri, neutralino). Better yet, actually go ahead with a full language change and pick Dart + Flutter, that shit is crossplat.
But we all know they won’t, because fuck you, “ram is cheap”. Good luck upgrading the ram on your phone.
They used to be native with Kotlin on Android and IDK on iOS. Now they use React Native, which isn’t really electron or native. I’m not sure if it bundles a browser but it sounds like the same as Tauri and Neutralino