Just your typical internet guy with questionable humor

  • 46 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


    • ImpactJS - Javascript/HTML5 used to be paid for, has been open sourced.
    • LOVE2D for Lua
    • DragonRuby for Ruby - You can get a standard license for free if you qualify for any of the listed items, Amir tends to reply within the same day.

    All of the above are mainly for 2D graphics, but some folks made versions of LOVE3D, too. There’s also libgdx, which builds on top of lwjgl, and mini2Dx, which builds on top of libgdx

    For 3D, the first one that comes to mind is Ogre3D

    I have some experience with Godot, it certainly speeds up a lot of the creation, but it also has some asinine decisions that I seriously don’t understand, like keybindings being a protected array: you can’t alter an item on a specific position; so, if you have a default + alternative key for an action, and you want to let players customize their keybinds, you essentially have to copy the whole array, make the alteration, delete the keybinds then add the items from the altered copy.

    If you add a gamepad to the mix, making each action have 3 inputs, you also have to keep track of positions, otherwise your option to change a specific key might accidentally change from a different position of the array.

    Also, never tie your platformer’s jump logic to the game’s framerate (delta), unless you want players running on less capable machines suffering.

  • I had to look that up, it’s just too good to pass.

    (Cassius Dio, contemporary historian) tells us that the empress teased her companion (the wife of Argentocoxos, a Caledonian chief) by saying that Caledonian women indulge in a sexual free-for-all, sharing their beds with different men while making no attempt to conceal their adultery. To a respectable aristocratic lady like Julia, such brazen promiscuity would indeed have seemed worthy of comment. We then see the wife of Argentocoxos swiftly responding with what Dio calls ‘a witty remark’ of her own:

    “We fulfil the demands of nature in a much better way than do you Roman women; for we consort openly with the best men, whereas you let yourselves be debauched in secret by the vilest.”

    A bit further below, however

    The consensus view among present-day historians is that he simply invented the speech quoted above.

    Sauce - https://senchus.wordpress.com/2019/08/14/julia-and-the-caledonian-women/