I never accused anyone of ignorance, and ignorance of niche topics is not a bad thing whatsoever. The solution to ignorance is inquisition and knowledge development, which I displayed. You’re projecting a lot of insecurity and needless hostility, quit being a dick.
Because I called you a dunce for being ignorant in a thread accusing other of ignorance? Yeah. You’re objectively a dunce kiddo.
I never accused anyone of ignorance, and ignorance of niche topics is not a bad thing whatsoever. The solution to ignorance is inquisition and knowledge development, which I displayed. You’re projecting a lot of insecurity and needless hostility, quit being a dick.
You said it sounds like bullshit. Something that takes seconds to google for yourself. That is a bad thing, and nothing to be proud of.
I’m done arguing with you. Good luck in life