• nl4real@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Having brain cells is satanic, evidently.

    The effort people make to undermine education only shows how desperately it’s needed.

    • niktemadur@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      There was one of these tracts from the 70s on evolution, where a christian student authoritatively defeats the stuffy science teacher, with what is demonstrably cherry-picked crap taken out of context.

      At the end, the triumphant, humble-yet-firm student asks a by-now deflated science teacher how is it that protons in the nucleus, with positive charge, don’t fly apart, the teacher shakes his head as he mumbles “I don’t know, I don’t know…”

      I guess the student was implying that little angels kept the protons in place? Or that there are some things that are unknowable?
      As if Quantum Chromodynamics, the Strong Force (and Strong Nuclear Force, slight difference there) and The Standard Model didn’t already exist, as if quarks hadn’t been detected beyond a shadow of a doubt.

      In his profound and cynical dishonesty, seems like Chick in his tract counted on information on the subject not yet being widely available at the time.
      Chew on that one for a minute: Chick counted on the scientific illiteracy of the tract reader. Fanatical zealot that he was.