Death to Smoochy is such a good movie. It was just terribly marketed.
My friend Garrett Gilchrist has bee trying to restore that movie to something closer to Morton and Jankel’s original vision for years now. I keep meaning to watch it because I do think that the movie had a lot of good ideas even if it was a mess.
People also forget that what most Americans knew about Mario at the time was that he jumped on mushrooms and turtles to rescue the princess.
But Morton and Jankel made both versions of the Max Headroom TV series. I absolutely give them credit.
I really do not know why Dredd didn’t get a sequel. I thought it did pretty well in theaters.
I love every stupid minute of SolarBabies.
“You are Chikani!” is one of my favorite badly-delivered bad movie lines.
If you have not heard the episode of How Did This Get Made about it, you should definitely give it a listen:
You are not the first person I have read say it about that movie, so I am definitely going to have to check it out.
That movie is so highly underrated.
The Hamlet trailer is worth watching it for alone.
Breakfast of Champions - I don’t care if it totally bastardized Vonnegut, I really liked it.
Mystery Men - Again, I don’t care if it totally bastardized Bob Burden.
Titan AE
The female version of Ghostbusters.
Hackers. Fuck you if you say one bad thing about this movie. It is glorious.
In this case, calling them POWs might be the right move, because torturing POWs is a war crime. So maybe we let them have the POWs thing this time?
Better to read about Causescu than the military itself. He was a monster. After he was finally deposed, he was convicted of genocide against his own people in a Romanian court because he was responsible for over 60,000 deaths.
The military was one the many tools in his arsenal.
That’s my situation too. Got the Kobo Clara Color as a Christmas present for myself (the color was like $10 more, so what the hell) after resisting eBooks for years, and I really love it.
They take almost any ebook type, but they do have their own proprietary format, KEPUB. That’s what their own store uses. Thankfully, Calibre can convert to and from it. Due to Kobo being able to more easily handle zooming in to images and things like that with KEPUB, it’s sometimes worth converting.
I’m told by Tankies that those oligarchs are necessary because you have to go through capitalism to get to communism. (Does not apply to Western nations.)
Also, it’s not fair if you point out that China has more billionaires than the U.S. because they have a much higher population!
Wow! What a genius Zelensky is, conning Russia into invading his country!
Not for many thousands of years afterward.
My best friend growing up had Romanian parents who had escaped Causescu. They didn’t tell us the bad stories.
I do know his dad had his index finger on his right hand partially cut off. He used to tell my friend that a bear ate it. Years later, I realized that was the finger you would use to pull a trigger and he was not the type of guy who would have willingly signed up to be in the Romanian military in the 1960s.
You know, I have yet to hear a Tankie defend the Stasi. I assume they would, but I haven’t heard it yet.
Then again, “everyone who was sent to the gulags deserved it” was a new one to me as of maybe two weeks ago.
I guess East Germany was “saved” in a similar manner. And the USSR saved Poland from itself!
You’re not learning anything if Copilot is doing it for you. That’s the point.
And the racists say: Jews are not white. The Nazis said it all the time—the project of the Jews, as far as they were concerned, was to undermine the Aryan white races. And the exclusion of Jews from the category of whiteness is still key to present-day white supremacists.
Well, according to the law of Schrödinger’s Whites, a brilliant conceit that I am not responsible for, in which Jews are white or non-white depending on the politics of the observer, in this context Krug’s Jewishness enhances the story.
― David Baddiel, Jews Don’t Count
(Highly recommend that book, by the way.)
“You either fight the Kevin or you become the Kevin.”