This message showed when I entered the serial specifically made for pirates. Right now feeling nothing but respect for plugin devs. Next month Imma buy this plugin 100% fixed, need it or don’t need it doesn’t matter anymore lol.
This message showed when I entered the serial specifically made for pirates. Right now feeling nothing but respect for plugin devs. Next month Imma buy this plugin 100% fixed, need it or don’t need it doesn’t matter anymore lol.
Demos used to be a lot more common. It used to be the norm for most games. Now it’s extraordinary.
Indie devs seem to be bringing them back. Played quite a few demos recently. Hopefully the trend continues.
Not entirely or at least in a different way. Steam still has free weekends occasionally on games. Or more likely some publishers still offer them sometimes probably
PlayStation making you pay for their highest sub tier just to access demos.