I have used linux for a couple of years now and it was one of the most bumpy beginnings (and ends) i ever had with software. There was little a moment that wasnt marred by some kind of problem.

I could write a book on all the problems i had encountered and some of them happen several times, but here are some highlights:

  1. monitors not being all recognized unless its plugged in in a VERY specific order
  2. monitor 2 not having the correct colors
  3. audio not coming out of the correct source, the default source changing when something else that can sue it is plugged in, and also changing after a restart
  4. gaming, proton barely EVER worked, rated gold or platinum on protondb? fuck you it wont even start for you
  5. wine is not much better, lutris also fucked up several times

What broke the camels back today:

I stream, on wednesday my controller stopped working so i couldnt continue to stream, an hour after i stopped? the controller started working again great right? no, today the same shit, controller doesnt work.

Linux continues to have awful roadblocks that make even the most stubborn user (me) switch back to windows for now

But ah i am not dont yet, getting support from other users is about as much a fools errand as it is for windows, just sprinkled in with a lot more brown nosing elitism. And i imagine i will get similar comments here cause lemmy has the same circlejerks reddit has.

As long as linux continues having the most mundane problems with NO solution anywhere it wont get anywhere, if it werent for steamdeck it would still hover around at below 3%

See i like linux, i like how the ui feels and all, but i just cant anymore, i want shit to actually work and linux just cant provide that yet

  • Moira_Mayhem@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    I have been trying to transition my every day desktop to Linux for 15 years, they aren’t there yet.

    And now that all the energy is going into making thousands of functionally identical distros there will be zero effort made to actually turn it into a standard desktop OS.

    Add on top of that the fact that EVERY FUCKDAMN LINUX community I have visited is populated by arrogant assholes that think niche expertise gives them the right to harass newbs.

    Peripheral support is shit, even LTS distros drop support for common packages whenever they fucking feel like.

    I’m gonna say it.

    Fuck Linux, and fuck every neckbeard that brought us to this place.

    Linux was supposed to be the cure, was supposed to be the hero, was supposed to show just how good open source software could be.

    Instead it became a vast ocean of user-antagonistic steaming shit.