Why aren't there more musicals about netball? It's the question you didn't know you wanted answered. Step behind the scenes of an energetic, hot-pink netball musical with a Shakespearean twist.
My favourite experience was with the 1990 movie Men of Respect, which did MacBeth as a mob movie. I came across it while just channel surfing (remember that‽) and realising that it was an adaptation of MacBeth because the Lady MacBeth standin was cleaning pots and unable to get them clean was a really fun moment.
Relevant satire from The Onion: Unconventional Director Sets Shakespeare Play In Time, Place Shakespeare Intended
My favourite experience was with the 1990 movie Men of Respect, which did MacBeth as a mob movie. I came across it while just channel surfing (remember that‽) and realising that it was an adaptation of MacBeth because the Lady MacBeth standin was cleaning pots and unable to get them clean was a really fun moment.