I think we may need to reach a new consensus on this: is there still a quiet part?
Trump’s dog whistle is a train horn.
He doesn’t need to be quiet - his base absolutely loves his evil, anti-American bullshit.
Deafening, I think is more apt.
That’s because it’s never been about rehabilitation - ever. It’s a punishment system.
And a corporate business.
Welcoming and embracing inhumane conditions in prisons as federal policy will make challenging those conditions even more difficult, Baich said. “It’s hard enough to challenge conditions of confinement when departments of corrections or the Bureau of Prisons is saying that it’s not unconstitutional,” he said.
I actually wouldn’t think that’s true. If Trump in standard Trump fashion is simply announcing that the conditions are horrifyingly cruel on purpose, I would think that judges would be more likely to give orders that it be fixed. If you’re dealing directly with BoP then no, but as they noted, they haven’t been fixing them anyway.
Lock. Him. Up. Can’t take 4 more years of this.
I guess when they’re called “penitentiaries”, the clue’s in the name - high security prisons have never pretended to be about rehabilitation.
Wonder if he’s going to try to undo W’s work against prison rape.
Of course he is
reminder slavery is legal for punishment
What an absolute fucking nimwhit! (the person in the dress)