
Y’all, how do you guys get your news?

I live in Canada and this legislation called Bill C-18 has sort of messed things up in the past year.

If you get your news typically from social media, a lot of platforms have-- I say a lot, but it’s really just Meta, but because they own so much, they’ve stopped allowing the publication of Canadian news on their platforms. So all I’m getting is American news.

I get enough of that from TikTok, you guys. It’s harder and I know that you’re not supposed to be getting your news all at one place and that social media kind of messes up the integrity of news, but whatever, it’s just so much easier when there’s, they’re all in one place.

I host an RSS reader on my website and it really is just set up to aggregate all of the news from different publications that have RSS feeds, but sometimes it gets overwhelming to have to sift through over 100 articles per day to find the ones that are relevant to me.

Well, I’m looking for ideas here, you guys. Are there more elegant ways to go about this?

If you have ideas, please share.

  • Admiral
    1 month ago

    Fair enough.

    To provide an actual answer, just go to the wire services (AP, Reuters) and you’ll get reliable news that cover like 80% or more of what’s happening. Pretty much every news org is padded with wire service stories anyway. Most of what’s left to fill in is just local stuff; for those, check out local news stations / local NPR site for quality coverage.

    And if they’re US based, cross reference them with Media Bias Fact Check to make sure it’s a quality source (e.g. not owned by Sinclair)

    Aside from vetting local sources, that’s like 3 sites tops for about 90+% coverage.