Disinformation similar to the pro-Russian “Matryoshka” campaign is emerging on Bluesky, using deepfakes and fake profiles to spread pro-Russian messages, prompting calls for more proactive action from the platform.
Disinformation similar to the pro-Russian “Matryoshka” campaign is emerging on Bluesky, using deepfakes and fake profiles to spread pro-Russian messages, prompting calls for more proactive action from the platform.
Love all these updating block lists that bluesky has. It’s great.
Lemmy needs these.
And instead of calling it a ban list we’ll call it a Linkerbaan list.
Just be very sure you trust the list owner, as some have already started doing shit like turning them into grudge lists once a bunch of people subscribe, using lists that are popular for leftist reasons to mass add trans people without subscribers knowing, etc. I think Bluesky has been cracking down on that sort of thing, but it’s also something they can only act on once they know about it.