Today’s weather forecast (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 19°C, max - 31°C. 100% chance of no rain
The RAT finally arrived, and the results are in. I am officially out of the never-had-covid club.
Sing out if it gets bad and you need a hand. I’m happy to help with Mulgrave (South-East) area issues, eg, shopping, dog walking.
Did well to make it so far.
It’s been a bit surprising, especially as I have worked the whole way through in an office with many people. I don’t know if this is work’s fault or my brother in law though - he was sick with covid at Christmas, ,which puts it right at the extreme long end of the possible incubation timeframes.
Oh poo. Such a good run.
5 years must be close to record run.
I’ve always been behind on trends.
I still haven’t had it, to my knowledge. Nothing respiratory in the last five years at all, so I’ve either dodged it or had it so mildly I didn’t notice
That’s a good run though. Hope you’re feeling better.
Is talking to birbs in his sleep
Love the teefies. So cute 💜
A still pic doesn’t grab the little twitching snarls. He’s ridiculous
kekekekekeke. kekekekekekke
Guess what? House actually now available for the offer. Banker off on medical. I have a headache.
Big breath. If it’s meant to be it will.
Vendor taking the piss! May mail a Guinness bottle top.
Vendor played stupid games and won stupid prizes! Congrats. Assume you got preapproval?
Yeah, this joint is under preapp. She’s aiming for the moon, bank says no.
Sorry no I mean do you have pre approval for your home loan?
How did that come around? I thought it was priced out of the table?
Changed mind
Today is hard
I feel you.
Holy shit those fires in LA are kicking off. And it’s WINTER over there. Of course nobody would be enacting the usual fire prevention activities
It’s a bit terrifying, especially being the middle of winter. California has a pretty similar climate to us in terms of burning stuff, so you also wonder what it might mean for our future.
They planted a lot of eucalyptus trees there which then became naturalised. A lot of what is burning is eucalypt.
It’s crazy. Apparently 0% of the fires are still not contained.
deleted by creator
ooops sorry meant 0% contained heh.
When I visited California I was surprised by how many eucalypts and other Australian plant species were used in gardens. I guess it’s because it’s a similar climate, hot dry summers, so they do well. But they are so flammable. Scary that such ferocious fires are happening mid winter.
it’s terrifying and happening all over the world
slowly ALL the dry eucalypt forests, will burn and be gone
I think we should plant forests that don’t burn
I want her life
I’m actually wrecked
I’m sitting in front of the ps5 for the rest of the day. Productivity can get effed.
Me too!!! Did fine till just after lunch and been cooked since.
Ever since I’ve come back from my holiday I’ve been feeling flat. I’ll get over it but it’s hard to get motivated in this weather. That’s all.
It’s not motivation weather. It’s callippo weather.
It’s beer weather so I’m gonna work hard to today and drink tomorrow.
Atleast my washing machine is booked in to get repaired. 2 weeks from now. And no I’m not going down to the laundry mat where the ferals hang out.
Hopefully you’ve got enough undies to last.
Hahaha. Yes thank goodness.
3 days left till annual leave ends. It’s been great to have a break but I’m definitely stagnating.
If I had more disposable income saved for the break it would have been better but that’s OK.
My probation ends on the 23rd of January. Once it’s over I can start looking for a new place asap.
Fawker and Moonee ponds are looking reasonable for house rental. I don’t think I could go back to an apartment, dealing with everyone’s noise.
Yesss get out of that part of town!
Cannot wait! Back to civilisation. I’m tired of going into the city and feeling overwhelmed because there’s people around lol
Civilizations overrated. All you need is 1 good pub.
Looks like house is a no go. Vendor trying to playing bidding games well above projected value. Ho hum, I’ll stop pricing curtains.
you got 30-60-90 days to do that anyway from signing.
I can tell your gender by that comment alone!
Yes, the Spotlight sale is on now 😝
Ikea has some good ones, most of mine are from there with some mods.
Also an option, but no discount card. I love my Ivar system and have bits that don’t exist any more, like the corner turning unit. Never giving them up!
often it’s the real estate agent doing that
reas get more money that way. They do it by setting a price and for that sale they get a flat fee. The reas then negotiate a percentage of the price they can get that’s over the initial price.
This is a private. No REA so she gets the lot. Which means going low ought be a thing.
Red flag for me - nobody is giving this owner a reality check on actual market value. You are right to move on.
I’ve priced every unit the the block for the available internet history. We are offering a smidge over already. So, yeah.
ah, then she is pricing according to emotional value
One night back in Melbourne and sleeping in an oven has me reconsidering moving back here. Dear lord…
Must be a tassie thing. We prefer to sleep in beds, preferably under AC or at least a fan over here mate.
Urge to kidnap rising…
Is that a stray?
Yep. One of the confirmed 4.
oh yes. Adult realisation I can fill the backyard with monkeybars if I wish.
Sandpit! But cats…
Doo iit!
Brunch was cool, nice to get out for a bit. Came home and tidied up the kitchen and lounge and then felt tired. Am trying to do the VicRoads learner’s permit course thing online and it’s going ok so far, but I’ve come to the first tutorial and nothing was working. Tried my MILs laptop and it wasn’t working on that either. Looked up what OS versions VicRoads supports and they only do current versions and the previous ones. My 4 yo android 11 phone was never going to cut it! MILs laptop is 3yo. Tried to see if it would update and there’s none available anymore for that version 🙄 Nothing like a bit of built in obsolescence to spoil your day! Going to have to use Miniests laptop… when she isn’t using it!
Good luck. 🙂🤞
Thankyou 🙂 I’m almost ⅓ of the way through the online course; it’s divided into 3 parts and there’s a tutorial at the end of each part, before the actual test happens.
3 years old should at least be windows 10?
Nah they sold her a Chromebook. She doesn’t really need windows, she just uses it for looking up cafes and restaurants and stuff.
a 3 year old chrome book is out of date?! wtf is the world coming to!
Ikr? I haven’t told her yet 🫣
Ikr? I haven’t told her yet 🫣
You can do it! I didn’t get my learners till quite late. It’ll be worth it!