Day 5: If You Give a Seed a Fertilizer
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Language: Python
Started 4 days late so coming up from behind. Day 5 was the first solution I am somewhat proud of. I used interval arithmetics. I had to somewhat extend a class interval from pyinterval into something I called PointedInterval. In the end part 2 was completed in 0.32 seconds. It does not reverse engineer the solution starting from 0 location and inverse mapping until you find a seed (that was how I was initially planning to do it). It maps forward everything as intervals. There is a bit of a boiler plate which is in the utils file.
Ooof. Part 1 was easy enough, but for part two I initially went with the naive solution of trying every single seed which took more than a minute (I never really measured). Although that got me the right answer, to me that was just unacceptable.
I proceeded to try and combine all mappings into one but gave up after spending way too much time on it.
Then I had the idea that the lowest number in the end must lie at the beginning of a range somewhere. Either the start of a seed range in the beginning or the start of a range in one of the mappings. Any in-between numbers must end up with a higher result. So I considered the start points of all ranges, went through the mappings in reverse to find out if that point is actually within a seed range, and only tested those starting points.
Finally I had only 183 points to test which ran much faster (0.9ms).
When I read the problem description I expected the input to also be 2 digit numbers. When I looked at it I just had to say “huh.”
Second part I think you definitely have to do in reverse (edit: if you are doing a linear search for the answer), as that allows you to nope out as soon as you find a match, whereas with doing it forward you have to keep checking just in case.
package day5 import "core:fmt" import "core:strings" import "core:slice" import "core:strconv" Range :: struct { dest: int, src: int, range: int, } Mapper :: struct { ranges: []Range, } parse_range :: proc(s: string) -> (ret: Range) { rest := s parseLen := -1 destOk: bool ret.dest, destOk = strconv.parse_int(rest, 10, &parseLen) rest = strings.trim_left_space(rest[parseLen:]) srcOk: bool ret.src, srcOk = strconv.parse_int(rest, 10, &parseLen) rest = strings.trim_left_space(rest[parseLen:]) rangeOk: bool ret.range, rangeOk = strconv.parse_int(rest, 10, &parseLen) return } parse_mapper :: proc(ss: []string) -> (ret: Mapper) { ret.ranges = make([]Range, len(ss)-1) for s, i in ss[1:] { ret.ranges[i] = parse_range(s) } return } parse_mappers :: proc(ss: []string) -> []Mapper { mapsStr := make([dynamic][]string) defer delete(mapsStr) restOfLines := ss isLineEmpty :: proc(s: string)->bool {return len(s)==0} for i, found := slice.linear_search_proc(restOfLines, isLineEmpty); found; i, found = slice.linear_search_proc(restOfLines, isLineEmpty) { append(&mapsStr, restOfLines[:i]) restOfLines = restOfLines[i+1:] } append(&mapsStr, restOfLines[:]) return slice.mapper(mapsStr[1:], parse_mapper) } apply_mapper :: proc(mapper: Mapper, num: int) -> int { for r in mapper.ranges { if num >= r.src && num - r.src < r.range do return num - r.src + r.dest } return num } p1 :: proc(input: []string) { maps := parse_mappers(input) defer { for m in maps do delete(m.ranges) delete(maps) } restSeeds := input[0][len("seeds: "):] min := 0x7fffffff for len(restSeeds) > 0 { seedLen := -1 seed, seedOk := strconv.parse_int(restSeeds, 10, &seedLen) restSeeds = strings.trim_left_space(restSeeds[seedLen:]) fmt.print(seed) for m in maps { seed = apply_mapper(m, seed) fmt.print(" ->", seed) } fmt.println() if seed < min do min = seed } fmt.println(min) } apply_mapper_reverse :: proc(mapper: Mapper, num: int) -> int { for r in mapper.ranges { if num >= r.dest && num - r.dest < r.range do return num - r.dest + r.src } return num } p2 :: proc(input: []string) { SeedRange :: struct { start: int, len: int, } seeds := make([dynamic]SeedRange) restSeeds := input[0][len("seeds: "):] for len(restSeeds) > 0 { seedLen := -1 seedS, seedSOk := strconv.parse_int(restSeeds, 10, &seedLen) restSeeds = strings.trim_left_space(restSeeds[seedLen:]) seedL, seedLOk := strconv.parse_int(restSeeds, 10, &seedLen) restSeeds = strings.trim_left_space(restSeeds[seedLen:]) append(&seeds, SeedRange{seedS, seedL}) } maps := parse_mappers(input) defer { for m in maps do delete(m.ranges) delete(maps) } for i := 0; true; i += 1 { rseed := i #reverse for m in maps { rseed = apply_mapper_reverse(m, rseed) } found := false for sr in seeds { if rseed >= sr.start && rseed < sr.start + sr.len { found = true break } } if found { fmt.println(i) break } } }
[Language: Lean4]
I’ll only post the actual parsing and solution. I have written some helpers (in this case particularly relevant: Quicksort) which are in other files, as is the main function. For the full code, please see my github repo.
This one also ended up quite long, because I couldn’t resist to use different types for the different things, and to have the type checker confirm that I’m combining the maps between them in the correct order.
Also, I am not 100% certain that part 2 doesn’t have any off-by-one errors. I didn’t write any unit tests for it… The answer is correct though, so I probably didn’t mess it up too horribly. Also, it is pretty fast. Part 2 takes about 1.2 milliseconds on my machine, and this is including the file parsing (but not the loading of the file).
It seems my solution is too long for a single post though, so I’ll split off part 2 and post it separately.
Edit: There was a bug in the function that checks overlaps between ranges while parsing.
Parsing and Part 1
structure Seed where id : Nat deriving BEq, Ord, Repr structure Soil where id : Nat deriving BEq, Ord, Repr structure Fertilizer where id : Nat deriving BEq, Ord, Repr structure Water where id : Nat deriving BEq, Ord, Repr structure Light where id : Nat deriving BEq, Ord, Repr structure Temperature where id : Nat deriving BEq, Ord, Repr structure Humidity where id : Nat deriving BEq, Ord, Repr structure Location where id : Nat deriving BEq, Ord, Repr private class NatId (α : Type) where fromNat : Nat → α toNat : α → Nat private instance : NatId Seed where fromNat := toNat := private instance : NatId Soil where fromNat := toNat := private instance : NatId Fertilizer where fromNat := toNat := private instance : NatId Water where fromNat := toNat := private instance : NatId Light where fromNat := toNat := private instance : NatId Temperature where fromNat := toNat := private instance : NatId Humidity where fromNat := toNat := private instance : NatId Location where fromNat := toNat := private instance : Min Location where min a b := if a b == then a else b structure Mapping (α β : Type) where inputStart : α outputStart : β length : Nat deriving Repr structure Mappings (α β : Type) where mappings : List $ Mapping α β deriving Repr private def Mapping.apply? {α β : Type} [NatId α] [NatId β] (mapping : Mapping α β) (input : α) : Option β := let input := NatId.toNat input let fromStart := NatId.toNat mapping.inputStart let toStart := NatId.toNat mapping.outputStart if input ≥ fromStart ∧ input < fromStart + mapping.length then some $ NatId.fromNat $ toStart + input - fromStart else none private def Mappings.apply {α β : Type} [NatId α] [NatId β] (mappings : Mappings α β) (input : α) : β := let applied := mappings.mappings.findSome? $ flip Mapping.apply? input applied.getD $ NatId.fromNat $ NatId.toNat input structure Almanach where seedsToSoil : Mappings Seed Soil soilToFertilizer : Mappings Soil Fertilizer fertilizerToWater : Mappings Fertilizer Water waterToLight : Mappings Water Light lightToTemperature : Mappings Light Temperature temperatureToHumidity : Mappings Temperature Humidity humidityToLocation : Mappings Humidity Location deriving Repr private def parseSeeds (input : String) : Option (List Seed) := if input.startsWith "seeds: " then let input := input.drop 7 let input := String.trim <$> input.split Char.isWhitespace let numbers := input.mapM String.toNat? NatId.fromNat <$> numbers else none private def parseMapping {α β : Type} [NatId α] [NatId β] (input : String) : Option $ Mapping α β := do let input := String.trim <$> input.split Char.isWhitespace let nums ← input.mapM String.toNat? match nums with | [a,b,c] => some $ {inputStart := NatId.fromNat b, outputStart := NatId.fromNat a, length := c} | _ => none private def Mapping.overlap {α β : Type} [NatId α] [NatId β] (a : Mapping α β) (b : Mapping α β) : Bool := let aStart := NatId.toNat $ a.inputStart let aEnd := aStart + a.length let bStart := NatId.toNat $ b.inputStart let bEnd := bStart + b.length (bStart ≥ aStart && bStart < aEnd) || (bEnd > aStart && bEnd ≤ aEnd) || (aStart ≥ bStart && aStart < bEnd) || (aEnd > bStart && aEnd ≤ bEnd) private def parseMappings (α β : Type) [NatId α] [NatId β] (input : String) (header : String) : Option $ Mappings α β := if input.startsWith header then let lines := String.trim <$> input.splitOn "\n" |> List.drop 1 |> List.filter (not ∘ String.isEmpty) let mappings := lines.mapM parseMapping let rec overlapHelper := λ (a : List $ Mapping α β) ↦ match a with | [] => false | a :: as => as.any (λ b ↦ a.overlap b) || overlapHelper as let mappings := mappings.filter $ not ∘ overlapHelper --make sure no ranges overlap. That would be faulty <$> mappings else none def parse (input : String) : Option ((List Seed) × Almanach) := do let blocks := input.splitOn "\n\n" |> List.filter (not ∘ String.isEmpty) let blocks := String.trim <$> blocks if let [seeds, seedToSoil, soilToFertilizer, fertilizerToWater, waterToLight, lightToTemperature, temperatureToHumidity, humidityToLocation] := blocks then let seeds ← parseSeeds seeds let seedToSoil ← parseMappings Seed Soil seedToSoil "seed-to-soil map:" let soilToFertilizer ← parseMappings Soil Fertilizer soilToFertilizer "soil-to-fertilizer map:" let fertilizerToWater ← parseMappings Fertilizer Water fertilizerToWater "fertilizer-to-water map:" let waterToLight ← parseMappings Water Light waterToLight "water-to-light map:" let lightToTemperature ← parseMappings Light Temperature lightToTemperature "light-to-temperature map:" let temperatureToHumidity ← parseMappings Temperature Humidity temperatureToHumidity "temperature-to-humidity map:" let humidityToLocation ← parseMappings Humidity Location humidityToLocation "humidity-to-location map:" (seeds, { seedsToSoil := seedToSoil soilToFertilizer := soilToFertilizer fertilizerToWater := fertilizerToWater waterToLight := waterToLight lightToTemperature := lightToTemperature temperatureToHumidity := temperatureToHumidity humidityToLocation := humidityToLocation : Almanach}) else none def part1 (input : ((List Seed) × Almanach)) : Option Nat := let a := input.snd let seedToLocation := a.humidityToLocation.apply ∘ a.temperatureToHumidity.apply ∘ a.lightToTemperature.apply ∘ a.waterToLight.apply ∘ a.fertilizerToWater.apply ∘ a.soilToFertilizer.apply ∘ a.seedsToSoil.apply let locations := seedToLocation NatId.toNat <$> locations.minimum?
finally solved part 2, and in just 1 second :)))
Input ="input.txt").lines # {source, destination} alias Map = Tuple(Range(Int64, Int64), Range(Int64, Int64)) Maps = Array(Array(Map)).new(7) index = 1 7.times do |i| a, index = get_ranges(index + 2) Maps << a end part2 # part1 def part1() seeds = Input[0].split(":")[1] locs = Array(Int64).new(7) seeds.each do |seed| val = seed Maps.each do |maplist| maplist.each do |map| if map[0].includes?(val) val = map[1].begin + (val - map[0].begin) break end end end locs << val end puts locs.min end def part2() seeds = Input[0].split(":")[1] seeds = seeds.in_groups_of(2, 0).map { |a| a[0]..(a[0]+a[1]) } found = false loc = 0 until found val = loc Maps.reverse_each do |maplist| maplist.each do |map| if map[1].includes?(val) val = map[0].begin + (val - map[1].begin) break end end end seeds.each { |seedrange| break if found = seedrange.includes?(val) } loc += 1 end puts loc - 1 end def get_ranges(index : Int) : {Array(Map), Int32} line = Input[index] ranges = [] of Map until line == "" a, b, l = ranges << {b...(b+l), a...(a+l)} index += 1 break if index == Input.size line = Input[index] end {ranges, index} end
Woof. Part 1 was simple enough. I thought I could adapt my solution to part 2 pretty easily, just add all the values in the ranges to the starting set. Worked fine for the example, but the ranges for the actual input are too large. Ended up taking 16gb of RAM and crunching forever.
I finally abandoned my quick and dirty approach when rewriting part 2, and made some proper types and functions. Treated each range as an object, and used set operations on them. The difference operation tends to fragment the range that it’s used on, so I meant to write some code to defragment the ranges after each round of mappings. Forgot to do so, but the code ran quick enough this time anyway.
Treated each range as an object, and used set operations on them
That’s smart. Honestly, I don’t understand how it works. 😅
The difference operation tends to fragment the range that it’s used on, so I meant to write some code to defragment the ranges after each round of mappings. Forgot to do so, but the code ran quick enough this time anyway.
I’ve got different solution from yours, but this part is the same, lol. My code slices the ranges into 1-3 parts on each step, so I also planned to ‘defragment’ them. But performance is plenty without this step, ~450 microseconds for both parts on my PC.
Treated each range as an object, and used set operations on them
That’s smart. Honestly, I don’t understand how it works. 😅
“Set operations” should probably be in quotes. I just mean that I implemented the
(intersection) and-
(difference) operators for my ValueRange type. The intersection operator works like it does for sets, just returning the overlap. The difference operator has to work a little differently, because ranges have to be contiguous, whereas sets don’t, so it returns a sequence of ValueRange objects.My ValueMapping type uses a ValueRange for it’s source, so applying it to a range just involves using the intersection operator to determine what part of the range needs to move, and the difference operator to determine which parts are left.
Well, then we have the same solution but coded very differently. Here’s mine.
is one function with almost all logic. I take a range and compare it to a rule’s source range (50 98 2 is a rule). Overlaps get transformed and collected into the first sequence and everything that left goes in the second. I need twoseq
s there, for transformed values to skip next rules in the same map.Repeat for each rule and each map (seq[Rule]). And presto, it’s working!
Yeah, roughly the same idea. I guess I could have just used HSlice for my range type, I thought maybe there was some special magic to it.
It looks like your if-else ladder misses a corner case, where one range only intersects with the first or last element of the other. Switching to
for those should take care of it though.