Inspired by’s post over here:
I was about to post about a BIFL item that I’m happy with, and then realized it was made in Germany. Then I realized that I don’t know where most of the stuff in my house is manufactured.
All electronic devices: probably China.
All highly perishable: almost certainly USA.
Amaretto: Italy. Cheaper Tennessee/Kentucky whisky: USA (I cheated and looked, and it’s made in… can you guess it… say it with me now… Idaho - wtf?! maybe just the bottling company?:-D).
Everything else: presumably China also? :-P
and it’s made in… can you guess it… say it with me now.… Idaho - wtf?!
LOL, rekd.
The only thing I know for sure the country of origin would be my bourbon.
Liquor seems to be a popular choice for knowing the country of origin of
As a count? Couldn’t tell you. Too many small things to bother with.
But, it’s generally easy enough with electronics, since they’re all labeled usually. And I do notice the labels. Most of it is taiwan iirc, with some from China, some from s Korea.
With my knives, I can tell you the nation of origin for sure because the factories do things differently, and you have to be aware of where they’re coming from to know what you’re actually getting.
Clothing, IDGAF enough to even look. I know I’ve seen labels from Bangladesh, china, and thailand though. Couldn’t tell you which is which, just that I doubt there’s much in the way of us made stuff in my clothing.
All my firearms are us made. Not because I would refuse other nations of origins, it’s just worked out that way over the years.
Kitchen appliances, no clue. Never saw a label, never saw anything in manuals, and wouldn’t bother to look for them. They’re pretty much all made elsewhere nowadays, so why bother? Kinda like electronics in that regard.
The furniture is from all over. Some US made for sure, some of it I have no idea, but the rest being labeled from pretty much all over. We also have a lot of stuff that was built by family though, so I’m not counting that. Yeah, it’s US made, but it isn’t a mass produced thing, and anything that’s hand crafted for purpose like that is going to be great, no matter where it’s from, so comparing mass produced furniture to it isn’t fair.
So, it depends really.
It isn’t something I have a serious principle about. I’m not all “USA, USA” or anything, nor anti. But I tend to notice labels and tags, and it’s interesting, so it sticks in my head when there’s a pattern. Like with taiwan being on most of the labels of the electronics I have, with china being a close second. I end up favoring us made knives, despite not looking for them in specific, it just ends up that at any given budget, my preferences end up with us makers.
I know a few of them off the top of my head. A few years ago I started paying a little more attention so I could be better at voting with my wallet
Gshock watch, Thailand
SD Card, Taiwan
Bic lighter, France
Can opener, US
Scissors, Finland
DnD dice, Germany
Guns, US Austria Russia
Socks, US
What guns do you have from Austria? I haven’t heard of them being a major arms manufacturer
Yeah not many people have heard of them it’s this little company called Glock /s
Huh. Never knew where glocks were made. That makes sense now though
They also make horse insemination devices
Does your knowledge of this have anything to do with your username?
I’ll never tell
Your silence is worth a thousand words.
Steyr Arms is also out of Austria and they make precision hunting rifles which are popular among competitive marksmen.
There was a solid few years where all the clothes I wore were from Thailand because I was working back and forth and would just buy everything while there
Is clothing cheaper there?
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