Think of it like a video game HUD where there’s just text floating above a person’s head where you see all their political beliefs, including the degree of bigotry (if any), or whether or not the person believes in the use of violence to acheive polical goals, basically every little detail that would accurately depict people’s political beliefs. Your beliefs are also visible to others. This effect has 1KM radius, including people above and below you.
So, how fucked are you?
(Think of all the authorities in your area that can see your beliefs, including the beliefs regarding the recent incident…)
I think if everyone was generally more aware of the details of everyone else’s political beliefs, we’d collectively be much less fucked than we are today.
I’m deep in Trump country. I wouldn’t even feel safe putting a Republicans Against Trump sign outside my house.
Why does everybody think that so many people will just straight up murder everybody who doesn’t share their politics?
This is quietly a major issue in America. Fear of discourse and self-censorship. Leads to more and more echo chambers and anti-democratic behavior. :(
deleted by creator
Because some of us have lived in places in the US where that’s pretty much been said and demonstrated before.
If you don’t feel that way, consider yourself lucky to have never lived in extremely intolerant areas of the states that use violence against people who think, look, or behave differently.
Edit: Amazing. The people down voting this and other sentiments choose to live in their own little bubble and have never been to parts of the US where this is true. Keep believing what you want to believe then.
Also why would they come for you if you are progessive and leftist? I think, here in Greece at least, it’s far more likely people to be against you if you are a fascist. And I dont think Greece is much of a progressive country.🤷
And besides all that, I think it’s kinda easy to get a rough idea of people’s beliefs anyways.
Because most people on Lemmy secretly (or not secretly) wish they could murder everyone who doesn’t share their politics and are projecting this on other people.
Projection is a big part of the collectivist zeitgeist
Because a lot of people live in countries where “so many people will just straight up murder everybody who doesn’t share their politics”.
Lol no. Most people don’t give a shit about politics, nor take it as a “life or death” thing like in Lemmy.
I’m white, I’m male, I’m straight, cis-gendered, and middle-class. My neighbours aren’t going to bother me. And if they also become aware of what “anarcho-communism” means in the process, they wouldn’t even blink.
Thr police might not appreciate my thoughts on them, but I think they’d suddenly have way less public support in this scenario, so meh.
Oh, everybody can already see that. I’m a man in my 30s and I still wear my punk vest everywhere. My feelings on cops, Nazis, and fascists are made pretty clear on it, while anyone who recognizes basic anarchist emblems will see those too. It doesn’t do a perfect 1:1 job of communicating my beliefs, but I’m more open and specific with what I believe than any coward in a red hat
It sounds like you might need to grow up brother
You aren’t my brother, none of them are cowards or bootlickers
as an anarchist I wouldn’t do well anywhere
I have heard that they want anarchy in the UK.
Hi five, fellow lonely-tarian! I also often joke that my alignments usually make “both major sides” glare at me.
If you’re engaging online at all, or donating to any politicians, the authorities are already aware of your politics.
Depends on the implementation for me. I’m in the southern US. If it just says ‘socialist,’ I’m probably fucked. But if it actually shows policies I support, like ‘everyone is entitled to own the output of their own labor,’ then most people would probably agree with me. People are propagandized against the socialist/communist label, but most of them agree with the policies.
Depends on the specific “socialism” you believe in.
For example, I still belive in a democratic system, I just want less of capitalism. So its would probably show me as either “Social Democrat” or “Democratic Socialist”. But it would also show my opposition to those “Marxist Leninist” variants of “Socialism”. Like “Opposed to the ‘communists’ in USSR and China” would probably be one of the labels that it shows.
Well, lucky I live in a blue city, so hopefully nobody would attack me for it.
If you explain your specfic beliefs before you get shot, maybe you could survive? Maybe…
Why be satisfied with just a little justice? Why be satisfied with a little more crumbs, and not going for the full lot?
Social democracy has proven to have some degree of sucess.
Those Vanguardism types such as USSR and China only devolves into totalitarian regimes just with a different group of capitalists in power. China has nothing that resembles what real socialism should be, its just capitalism under a different banner.
China has lifted more people out of poverty than any country or economic system in history. You can’t do that under capitalism, because the gains are too concentrated. You’ve just been propagandized against China.
I lived in China, I have first-hand experience. Don’t get me wrong, I hate capitalism, and China is a capitalist state, just like the US.
Then how did they lift a record number of people out of poverty? Capitalism creates more poverty. Not less.
I’m living on the outskirts of a rural town. People have trump flags flying on my street. I’d be totally fucked.
RIP In Peace
At least you can find out who is a secret liberal or leftist in your area right before you die.
Same. I wouldn’t leave the house unarmed.
Putting up a lawn sign is about the limit for physical activity for most of that crowd. You’d be fine. Dodge, duck, dip, dive, and and dodge!
A citizen of the world; A left leaning, anarcho syndicalist and when I’m feeling moderate, a democratic socialist. People would think the same thing they already think about me: that I’m a person that is fed up with fascist boot lickers on both “sides” of the rapidly rightward shifting Overton window.
If everyone’s political beliefs were something you could see, I actually think it would create more peace. How many people go along with a more extreme take only because they are afraid to be ostracized from their community? Odds are folks would look around and see that the world is more shades of gray than what social media tries to mold us into.
I had someone tell me I was brainwashed because I have a degree in political science. I was taken aback, but then decided to ask myself if I was. I mean, what’s the difference between being educated and being brainwashed? Is it the conclusion that you come to? Is it some physically measurable thing?
Some good questions to ask is “is the information I’m getting geared to make me feel a certain way or to inform me about something?” “Am I learning in a setting where I am afraid that to have a dissenting opinion would get me kicked out of my community?” “Are certain ideas immediately ruled out as false without further discussion?”
At least in my degree, I felt that there were a plethora of opinions in my classroom discussions, and when we approached different lenses, we made sure to have a thorough understanding of them, as best we could. I can think of only one philosophy that an international relations teacher ruled off outright, and that was “ancient hatreds theory”. Even then we spent several classes taking it apart and why it is a poor tool to view conflicts.
That said, I would say I was brainwashed after college when I spent more time on Facebook, reddit, and Instagram. With the perpetual rage machine at my fingertips, I was afraid that if I disagreed I would be flamed and cancelled from groups that I loved. I am very wary of getting information from the socials since things are so over simplified and there is little to no welcomed critical discussion. It’s just a yelling pit with people further entrenched in their beliefs.
Not fucked at all. I agree with my beliefs, and I’m tired of being misunderstood. Having them be visible would be vindicating. I just want to be friends with everyone at the end of the day.
Too bad there are right wing nutjobs that want you dead.
Hopefully there aren’t any of those within 1KM of you.
I don’t go through life like this. I think if I met a rightwing nutjob, I could get along with them or at least bond over something not related to politics. I had to do this when I worked in an office, too. People are still people.
I like you
Based take
In that case, if they succeed, it’s no longer my concern
Does it apply to people online?
Does it apply to people on a television screen?
Does it apply to videos of people in the past, who have since changed their beliefs?
What do I see if someone has convinced they are somebody else? Whose beliefs do I see?
I kind of understand the premise (“what happens if we can’t hide our beliefs anymore”) but the details are too important to gloss over
Only applies to people physically within 1KM, including people above you on a plane (although IDK who flies that low), and also people below you in caves or tunnels. 1KM is any direction above below or diagonal. People who suffer from amnesia or schizophenia or any condition where they don’t know who they are anymore, would probably have their info glitching out on the HUD display. And holographic projections like in star wars are still not considered physical presence
Hmm. You remember how congress used to round up suspected communists?
Red Scare v2: Electric Boogaloo