Just throw the guy in too…money can only keep people silent for so long, and there’s a lot of time where they are.
I mean that just seems like the best version of heaven.
Cat heaven might be better. Depends on the person.
i dont think i’d be sniffing dog butts if i spent something like 60 years surrounded by dogs. maybe grandpa was always like that
I think you probably would. I would too. Isolation from other humans does something to you, not only psychologically, but also biologically in your brain. Only sniffing is best case scenario imo.
If you’re dead and in heaven, do you still biologically have a brain?
If you’re operating on Heaven is on Clouds rules you might as well just have it be a lame existence with physical reincarnation.
In the world of this comic? If they still have physical butts to smell, why wouldn’t they have brains?
Damn, you think they have capitalism in heaven and you have to work and shit? Sounds like hell to me. None of that please, I get the endless void instead.
Of course they have capitalism in heaven, have you ever met a Christian?
The gospel of supply side Jesus.
I have a soft spot for anime that feature the administration and management of imagined places like heaven and hell.
“Heaven’s Design Team” - An office of animal creators work to design and test creatures to God’s strange and often ridiculous specifications with which to populate Earth
“Hozuki’s Coolheadedness” - High ranking official Hozuki manages the bureacracy of Hell and keeps the wheels of eternal torment running smoothly