LOS ANGELES (AP) — A new California law that bans people from carrying firearms in most public places was once again blocked from taking effect Saturday as a court case challenging it continues.

A 9th Circuit Court of Appeals panel dissolved a temporary hold on a lower court injunction blocking the law. The hold was issued by a different 9th Circuit panel and had allowed the law to go into effect Jan. 1.

Saturday’s decision keeps in place a Dec. 20 ruling by U.S. District Judge Cormac Carney blocking the law. Carney said that it violates the Second Amendment and that gun rights groups would likely prevail in proving it unconstitutional.

The law, signed by Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom, prohibits people from carrying concealed guns in 26 types of places including public parks and playgrounds, churches, banks and zoos. The ban applies regardless of whether a person has a concealed carry permit.

  • ArbitraryValue@sh.itjust.works
    9 months ago

    A policeman sees a drunk man searching for something under a streetlight and asks what the drunk has lost. He says he lost his keys and they both look under the streetlight together. After a few minutes the policeman asks if he is sure he lost them here, and the drunk replies, no, and that he lost them in the park. The policeman asks why he is searching here, and the drunk replies, “this is where the light is”.

    Concealed-carry permit holders aren’t the ones who commit gun crimes, but because they’re the ones who actually follow the law, they’re the ones that are targeted by these draconian rules.

    In California, no shooting by a CCW holder has ever occurred at an existing protected location or one proposed by SB 2. In fact, concealedcarrykillers.org lists just 5 homicides having been committed by CCW holders in California in the last 24 years.

    • rosymind@leminal.space
      9 months ago

      My husband (one of the most trustworthy and responsible people I know- flaws and all) has been talking about getting a concealed-carry permit.

      My argument against it, is that if there is an active shooter and he also pulls out his gun to take them out, the cops or other permit-owners might not realize that he’s the “good guy” and he (or I, if I’m nearby) could get shot instead.

      He went silent, and seemed to spend a lot of time thinking about it after I’d shared my thoughts. Thus far he hasn’t tried to obtain one

      • Liz@midwest.social
        9 months ago

        Using your pistol in a mass shooting event is an edge-case of an edge-case. Even if you’re carrying, run, hide, fight is still the correct strategy. The way bigger concern is that you’ll shoot yourself or a loved one. There are things you can and should do to mitigate your accident/suicide/murder risk, but that’s really the thing you should be worried about.

        Anyway, if you find yourself within shooting distance, yeah, calmly shoot back and run. The immediate threat of getting shot by the mass shooter is more pressing than potentially being misidentified as the perpetrator even just minutes later. It’s incredibly unlikely you’ll be confronted by the shooter exactly when the cops show up, making yourself a potential target.

        Anyway, again, there’s loads more probable things you need to worry about when it comes to CCW than a mass shooter.

        • ArcaneSlime@lemmy.dbzer0.com
          9 months ago

          It’s always a risk, but the instructors have tips to mitigate this risk. Chief amongst them, and this one is for bystanders, give a description of the shooter if you’re the one calling. The police responding having at least sort of a picture can help everyone. If you see a defender give a description of them as well if possible. Second, for the defender, you are NOT obligated to stay at the scene if you feel it is unsafe. Get the hell out, holster it otw out if you’re sure there’s no second shooter, call the cops and say you had to defend yourself and you’ll turn yourself in, immediately call your lawyer, and listen to them, they’ll guide you from there. If you feel it is safe and you’re staying, same as above, holster, cops, lawyer. If there is a second shooter you are not obligated to try and kill him, but if you do it may be smarter to reholster and keep a hand on the grip simply for this exact reason (and as always don’t be stupid, peek corners, use cover, watch for trailing accomplices, etc, but a lot of that comes from a different trainer. Frankly unless you’ve taken classes beyond the bare minimum CCW that teaches what to do if you have to use it legal-wise, it may be the smarter move to not pursue if you can get to an exit.) It’s certainly something you’d have to prepare for beforehand, you can’t just go all “John Wick” without all the IDPA training Keanu actually does (and of course even then it’s a movie lol.)


    • phoenixz@lemmy.ca
      9 months ago

      draconian laws

      If the US has shown the world one thing then it is that the only rule that will really work is an absolute no-exception ban on firearms.

      Eric and Dylan have been dead for what, 20 years now, and what has changed? It. Got. Worse. They were amateurs compared to what followed. The Las Vegas shooting was beyond amazing and would have been prevented if weapons like these are only available on the black market for a million dollar with bullets costing 1000 bucks a pop. The crazies won’t be able to afford it and the very VERY few criminals that can afford guns and want to take that risk won’t be crazy enough to start shooting around at random innocent citizens and or bystanders.

      This shit only happens when weapons (and more importantly, bullets) are available freely and CHEAPLY.

      At this point, I’d say the US has had their chance.

      This entire “but we need weapons to overthrow evil governments!” claim is absolute horse shit, exhibit A being the day before yesterday, a year ago… Those same idiots always parrotting about overthrowing evil governments trying to overthrow a legitimate government so that they can install a dictatorship.

      The US has shown the world year after year that it’s citizens cannot responsibly handle firearms, period. Yes, I know, guns are cool toys, BUT FUCKING CHILDREN ARE DYING BY THE THOUSANDS.

      Sucks for those few that are responsible, you can thank all the incels and what not, but you won’t be able to shoot them for what they did, we’ll be taking those guns, thank you.


    • 11181514@lemm.ee
      9 months ago

      So draconian that I don’t want someone to bring a gun to a public playground or the fucking zoo.

      no shooting by a CCW holder has ever occurred at an existing protected location

      Oh wow maybe the ban works? Noooo it’s definitely because you scared idiots carrying weapons around all day are just SO responsible.

      Hey you know who’s 100% responsible for all gun violence? PEOPLE WITH GUNS.

      • butwhyishischinabook@lemmy.world
        9 months ago

        “Subset X of large group Y has committed a negligible amount of crime Y in the last generation.”


        • 11181514@lemm.ee
          9 months ago

          Oh sorry I forgot only a subset of the people that own a thing made to kill other people actually kill other people. Good point go ahead and bring those guns hidden in your pants to a kids park or whatever. I feel so much safer now.

              • Ikenshini@lemmy.world
                9 months ago

                Racists have kids parks in gated communities and police don’t shoot you for your skin color. Outside your ivory tower and in the hood is a world where sometimes you need to protect yourself to go to a park.

            • 11181514@lemm.ee
              9 months ago

              What the fuck? TIL it’s racist to think people shouldn’t bring guns to the park.

              Hey look it’s the same logic idiots use.

          • Classy@sh.itjust.works
            9 months ago

            These kinds of laws are already in effect in Chicago. Guns come in freely via Indiana where it’s constitutional carry, plus other means. It turns out that banning guns only means that law abiding citizens — which as the above commenter pointed out, statistically almost never use their weapons criminally — stop carrying and criminals have carte blanche to go target practicing on defenseless meat bags.

            CA is a massive state, and I’m sure it has plenty of weapons. Criminals aren’t going to magically stop committing gun crime because of a stupid law, and if anything it will only embolden them as they’re less likely to encounter a CC citizen. Guns will continue to flow in via NV, AZ, and Mexico.

      • Liz@midwest.social
        9 months ago

        or one proposed by SB2

        Just conveniently left that one off of there, eh?

      • Psychodelic@lemmy.world
        9 months ago

        You’re preaching to the wrong crowd, dude. Most White Americans straight up fuckin love guns and gun ownership more than they do some of their own family members

  • phoenixz@lemmy.ca
    9 months ago

    From a sub comment, but i think it should have its own thread in this post:

    If the US has shown the world one thing then it is that the only rule that will really work is an absolute no-exception ban on firearms.

    Eric and Dylan have been dead for what, 20 years now, and what has changed? It. Got. Worse. They were amateurs compared to what followed. The Las Vegas shooting was beyond amazing and would have been prevented if weapons like these are only available on the black market for a million dollar with bullets costing 1000 bucks a pop. The crazies won’t be able to afford it and the very VERY few criminals that can afford guns and want to take that risk won’t be crazy enough to start shooting around at random innocent citizens and or bystanders.

    This shit only happens when weapons (and more importantly, bullets) are available freely and CHEAPLY.

    At this point, I’d say the US has had their chance.

    This entire “but we need weapons to overthrow evil governments!” claim is absolute horse shit, exhibit A being the day before yesterday, a year ago… Those same idiots always parrotting about overthrowing evil governments trying to overthrow a legitimate government so that they can install a dictatorship.

    The US has shown the world year after year that it’s citizens cannot responsibly handle firearms, period. Yes, I know, guns are cool toys, BUT FUCKING CHILDREN ARE DYING BY THE THOUSANDS.

    Sucks for those few that are responsible, you can thank all the incels and what not, but you won’t be able to shoot them for what they did, we’ll be taking those guns, thank you.


    • theyoyomaster@lemmy.worldOP
      9 months ago

      That’s the thing, you have a solution in search of a problem here. Banning guns or making them available only for “a million dollar[s] with bullets costing 1000 bucks a pop.” doesn’t prevent these, it just removes the right to self defense and makes a population helpless.

      You brought up Columbine (in the worst way possible) so I’m going to focus here on attention seeking random mass shooters with the goal of getting coverage on cable news and not the more frequent gang style violence that gets counted as “mass shootings” to inflate statistics because they are very different problems with very different causes/solutions. Cable shootings per capita do not correlate with gun availability and the US isn’t even in the top 5 among its peers statistically; this is a constantly ignored, inconvenient fact for gun grabbers so it always just gets shouted down and ignored. I’m fully expecting you to scoff and insinuate I’m crazy for even thinking this but the real world facts don’t change just because you get angry at me for pointing them out so go ahead and get it out of your system and when you’re done you can go back to ignoring it along with all the other facts that don’t meet your preconceived notions. Based on European countries with a higher rate of cable news shooters, like France, saying that if you banned guns they wouldn’t happen is absurd. You specifically brought up Vegas, the highest body count shooting in US history (but not the worst massacre) but despite having a dedicated and rich shooter that used terrifyingly effective tactics, it still had a lower death toll than a gun-free attack in France and the worst school massacre in the US also featured zero people shot. The bottom line is saying that without guns these things wouldn’t happen is straight up false, even taking into account the difference between “no legal guns” and “no guns.” So not only are you flat out wrong when you say “This shit only happens when weapons are available freely and CHEAPLY” but your perfect scenario still leaves the same people (and more) dead without guns.

      Bad people will do bad things if they decide to. Assigning the evil actions of men to an inanimate object is the easy thing to do mentally if you don’t want to face this fact but it just doesn’t solve anything. Addressing the underlying causes and triggers is the only meaningful way to stop these but all effort is instead spent on deliberately triggering them and in an attempt to ban guns. The bottom line is that they are deranged individuals who do it for the attention; forensic phycologists are in virtually unanimous agreement that publicly naming them and glorifying them on a 24/7 news cycle is specifically triggering them and yet that is exactly what we do every time. It has also been established that this news coverage triggers additional copy-cat events which is why they often happen in clusters, yet the media gives them exactly what they want every time and refuses to change. The end result of all of this? People like you specifically calling them by their first names in internet comments 20 years later, which happens to be just what they wanted in the first place.

      When it comes to suicide the media has a specific way of reporting to prevent triggering copy-cats. You never see an article of “John Doe hanged himself in his closet Tuesday after a night of heavy drinking” because that is known to make other people do the same. Instead you see “John Doe was found dead in his apartment Tuesday night, no foul play is suspected.” This of course goes out the window when it’s a celebrity and celebrity suicides almost always trigger a small wave of additional suicides right after but this is seen as an acceptable loss in exchange for the ratings. Mass shootings on the other hand result in media coverage that is specifically what the experts say not to do every single time (unless the shooter’s identity isn’t politically convenient to the media owners) and as such, they trigger more. Responsible media reporting standards are the #1 thing that can be done to make a meaningful impact on these events. It would take a generation to actually take effect but that’s not unheard of; Japan’s success in slashing their suicide rate over the last two decades is an example that deep rooted cultural issues can be solved with systematic and deliberate effort. This unfortunately would require mainstream media to care more about innocent lives than their political narratives though so I won’t hold my breath. It also can’t prevent every single act of terrorism which unfortunately are on the rise in Europe, but it likely would have at least some effect on the lone wolves who are currently contemplating their own shot at “glory.”

      Now beyond not actively rewarding the monsters that are inclined to commit these atrocities there’s another common aspect of the stereotypical cable news shooter and that is coming from a broken home with a rough childhood. It doesn’t really take a PhD in psych to realize that fucking up someone as a kid can make a fucked up adult. This is also the area of focus that applies to gang style and non random shootings with multiple victims as well. Gun availability, poverty and race; none of them correlate with crime as strongly as single parent/broken households. A healthy upbringing in a functional house is the #1 way to prevent someone from getting to the point of wanting to murder other people for any reason. As such, proper sexual education that actually teaches high schoolers how to not have unplanned pregnancies instead of useless abstinence only religious garbage is needed immediately. Groups in the US like Planned Parenthood need to be properly funded and available, especially to those in most need. This would also have the benefit of vastly reducing the need for abortions so even the most religious nut jobs should like this. Women’s rights and bodily autonomy are absolutely necessary to break the cycle of poverty and crime. A meaningful reduction in unwanted and unplanned pregnancies is the single change with the greatest effect that can be done to prevent future crimes before they even start. Additionally, focusing on result based and functional social safety nets rather than feel good grandstanding that wastes absurd amounts of tax dollars can help keep the next generations healthy and able to avoid the lives of crime that they are currently being born into.

      Cable news shooters are a manifestation of the worst aspects of modern society. Facing these issues head on is difficult and uncomfortable but the one thing that is sure to perpetuate them is to take the “easy” way out and try and assign 100% of the blame to a scapegoat scary piece of black metal. In the meantime, I’ll keep my means of protecting my family and country and focus on not giving the assholes that commit monstrous acts exactly what they want.

      • PriorityMotif@lemmy.world
        9 months ago

        Self defense is a weak argument as historically you had a duty to retreat outside of your home. People who claim they want to carry a gun for self defense just want to shoot someone and get away with it.

        • theyoyomaster@lemmy.worldOP
          9 months ago

          Defensive uses of firearms far outweigh offensive ones in the US. Rejecting self defense as valid actively hurts women, minorities and the disabled. There was actually a magic time when there were no firearms in the world. It was called the Dark Ages and the largest and strongest few committed nonstop atrocities against those that were weaker. We are living in the most peaceful time in history with more guns than ever.

          • PriorityMotif@lemmy.world
            9 months ago

            Buddy, you would euthanize the disabled and enslave women and minorities if you had the chance. You’re delusional if you think you can give me realistic gun statistics in the u.s. from a REPUTABLE source. Not to mention the endless wars we’ve had since the inception of the firearm. You’re just arguing in bad faith.

            And yeah, your claims about gun self defense just were debunked a long time ago, so fuck off.


            • theyoyomaster@lemmy.worldOP
              9 months ago

              Says the person who wants to disarm the most vulnerable. Saying any study or statistic that doesn’t fit your preconceived narrative is literally the opposite of the scientific method and reality. Facts don’t care if you like them or not and you wanting vulnerable people to be vulnerable doesn’t give you the moral high ground.

              • PriorityMotif@lemmy.world
                9 months ago

                There’s no viable statistics because there are laws specifically preventing them. You can pretend like you care about other people all you want. It’s clear that your don’t because you’re advocating for unlimited gun ownership and making bad faith arguments. If you cared about minorities, then you would advocate for gun rights to be restored to felons because many felons are minorities. If you looked at the link I posted you would realize that everything you’re saying has been debunked a long time ago. It’s all bullshit.

                • theyoyomaster@lemmy.worldOP
                  9 months ago

                  I’m in a hotel on my phone so I don’t have access to my bookmarked links but it’s not like actual sources would change your approach to ignoring anything that doesn’t fit your view anyway.

                  There aren’t laws against studying gun violence, the law is specifically against using public funds to promote gun control while pretending to be an a academic study, which is exactly what they were doing when the Dickey Amendment was passed. Before it was the abuses of “scientific” processed were absurd, with stuff like studies to see if guns increased suicide rates openly stating in their methodology “once we got our data set we deleted any that occurred outside the home because gun suicides are almost always at home.” This isn’t even P hacking, it’s just straight up deleting data so that only the answer you want is left. Even modern suicide studies still use gun suicides as their main proxy for gun ownership before “analyzing” the data to see if there is a correlation; surprisingly enough when you use your dependent variable as your independent variable you often get the answer you were looking for.

                  There is plenty of valid data available, the issue is that whenever the scientific method is followed the researcher gets blacklisted, labeled as “disproven” and shunned from the academic community. If you go into it with the goal that only showing guns are bad is allowed and twist the data then you’re allowed to publish. If you do actual science and run real world data it always comes back in favor of gun ownership. So instead the gun grabbers stick to their lies and pretend the Dickey amendment is anything but a direct response to getting caught lying red handed.

                  There’s plenty that can be done to reduce violent crime and suicides in the US, but taking away guns from law abiding citizens ain’t it.

  • RedditWanderer@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    ~13 people in the US have died from a "shooting"during 8 separate events 7 days into 2024, another ~30 injured.

    I’m also not saying state enforced concealed carry bans are the way, but you guys gotta do something.

    About half were murder suicides, a quarter were drive-by shootings and the last quarter were bar/party fights.

    • Zorque@kbin.social
      9 months ago

      Sadly were stuck between “ban guns” and “ban banning guns” with little to no consideration for the underlying issues.

      I guess that’s too hard a platform to campaign on, though

      • Ooops@kbin.social
        9 months ago

        Common sense, data and actual arguments? Yes, those are completely useless as a platform since post-factual populism has replaced real politics.

    • GluWu@lemm.ee
      9 months ago

      How many of those shootings were committed by someone who has a CHL? How many are committed by felons or criminals who are already prohibited from carrying any guns anywhere?

      • Psychodelic@lemmy.world
        9 months ago

        Yeah, it’s nuts how weak this California bill was and we can’t even that passed. Legit pathetic.

        Can’t imagine having to raise kids in this country. Parents are brave, not giving a shit about all the legal guns

    • stembolts@programming.dev
      9 months ago

      I tried to write a thoughtful response to this but it is so overwhelmingly stupid I just kept pausing to laugh.

  • Pratai@lemmy.ca
    9 months ago

    Come on people… they need to make the world a safe place for cowards too! You can’t expect these chicken-shit NRA clowns to walk amongst the populous without being strapped, can you?