The justice’s wife allegedly spat at her neighbors’ car and traded insults, prompting the young couple to call the police

After reports that an upside-down American flag had flown outside the Virginia residence of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito during the period surrounding Jan. 6, 2021, the conservative justice blamed the flag’s placement on his wife, Martha-Ann — claiming her actions were a result of a clash over a neighbor’s anti-Trump yard sign and a verbal insult.

Now, the Alitos’ neighbors — Emily Baden and her then-boyfriend, now husband — are disputing the Alitos’ version of events, according to the The New York Times, which reviewed text messages and a police call to corroborate the claims. According to the Badens, Martha-Ann instigated the weekslong conflict and, at one point, spat at their car as they drove by the Alito’s home.

Per the Times, the couple had placed signs on their yard that read “Trump Is a Fascist” and “You Are Complicit” shortly after the Jan. 6 insurrection. Emily told the publication that the second sign was not directed at the justice and his wife, but at Republicans in general. The signs were soon taken down by Emily’s mother out of safety concerns.

    4 months ago

    Hoo boy the Alitos do not come off well. If the justice were true to his oath and had any respect left for his office, instead of staying silent he would have interjected and said something like, “thanks for the chat, you are completely entitled to your opinion. Isn’t our show on Martha-Ann? You folks have a good evening.” Not too hard, really.

    Also, anyone else notice this subtle dig at the Post for burying their story?

    When speaking to a Washington Post reporter (per a story published last week), that same day, Martha-Ann shouted that the flag was “an international signal of distress.”

      4 months ago

      The Post had this story 3 years ago and didn’t publish because dolla dolla bill. They’re in the bag for the fascist traitors.