I’m pretty chill and down to earth, feel like there’s a lot of hate towards us.
Posting history of OP clearly shows them to be a troll who gets off on creating posts with controversial headlines. Please stop feeding it (and also please stop believing everything you read on the internet).
How do you feel about women making decisions about their own reproductive health?
If you don’t think women should be allowed to have abortions, how do you reconcile that with the goal of “not ramming your religion down other people’s throats”?
If you do think women should be allowed to have abortions, are you really a Christian conservative?
Gods, if I wanted to be at an AMA where the host refuses to answer questions, I’d re-read the Woody Harrelson one on Reddit.
How do you reconcile current conservative approaches to the poor (reducing/removing any benefits, sending unhoused people on busses to other States, etc.) with the teachings of Jesus in the testament? There is a clear disconnect between these two sets of ideals.
What is your opinion on the barriers between church and state being actively eroded by conservative christians?
So I can give you a better answer, regarding what specifically?
OP, are you and PrettyBlackDress the same person?
Assuming so, from what you’ve said in this thread, it seems from what you’ve said that you’re at least pro-choice, pro-lgbtq+, and pro-separation-of-church-and-state.
So, my question is, "in what sense exactly are you “conservative”?