That last bit of defense before fully realizing your inner beauty 💜
"Everybody wishes their body had completely different (smaller) proportions, that’s completely normal.
Everybody is uncomfortable with body hair, it’s just super normalized to not say/do anything about it.
It’s completely normal to not relate all that well with other dudes.
It’s completely normal to react to other dudes being jealous of [insert masculine feature] (giggity) with a halfhearted chuckle, then divert the conversation."
“It’s just a weird sex fantasy, not part of who I am.”
*proceeds to live in denial, despite the persistent nature of those feelings, 'til the term “nonbinary” finally reached my ears *
I just wanted to deny it because being trans is kinda scary, even after accepting myself there is still some doubt from time to time that I’m just faking it (I know this is normal thing for trans people so I try to ignore it).
I don’t want to be stereotypically feminine, therefore I can’t be a woman.
Now I recognize that as internalized misogyny that I’m battling on top of internalized transphobia!