I do not like Jurassic Park. I have never liked Jurassic Park. It has great special effects and Laura Dern and Jeff Goldblum, but that does not make it a good movie. I don’t care if it made a billion dollars at the box office. I don’t care how many awards it won.

The worst part, though, is the memes. They’re second only to Prequel Trilogy memes in terms of how much they annoy me. I long ago added “clever girl” and “life uh finds a way” to the list of phrases that braying jackasses won’t stop posting on social media that fill me with a near-homocidal rage. I’d block these phrases and move on with my life but these people put them in freaking images, too. I can’t get away from it. *continues to froth incoherently*

Edit: As of this writing, I have three downdoots. I’m going to assume that all downdooters agree with this post. Edit #2: Now like 8 of 29 people agree with me! I guess this unpopular opinion isn’t quite as unpopular as I believed. ❤️

Edit #3: 15 of 45 people reject that this is an unpopular opinion! Thank you all for your love and support. ✌️

  • Buglefingers@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Jurrasic park was very much an impressive and great movie for the same reason the original Avatar was. The plot was decent or okay but the graphics and visuals blew everything at the time out of the water with such a magnitude of difference that the sparkle in your eyes stayed through the movie. Sure, looking back now, now that we have great CGI and 4K OLED screens, it may not be as impressive. But think of Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of time. Also basic and nothing visually amazing…by today’s standards point but it was an insane feat for the time.

    We now judge Jurassic park by the quality of it’s story much more now than we are amazed by impressive dinosaur like we were back then. So of course it’s gonna look mid at best

    Anyway, that’s my take on it at least.