Power’s out - we’re seeing wind gusts over 50mph and have gotten a little over two inches of rain since last night. Currently waiting for the lowest-ranked-in-the-US power company to repair things. Two trees snapped off their trunks about eight feet off the ground and landed just a few feet from our duck yard, so at least I don’t have to fix any fencing.
Edit: power’s back! Met two nice folks from Canada who were down this way to do repairs and convinced them to take a tree off a line even though it wasn’t in their task list.
Power’s out - we’re seeing wind gusts over 50mph and have gotten a little over two inches of rain since last night. Currently waiting for the lowest-ranked-in-the-US power company to repair things. Two trees snapped off their trunks about eight feet off the ground and landed just a few feet from our duck yard, so at least I don’t have to fix any fencing.
Edit: power’s back! Met two nice folks from Canada who were down this way to do repairs and convinced them to take a tree off a line even though it wasn’t in their task list.