Chris Remington

Volunteer amateur systems administrator for Beehaw. Stay-at-home dad. Outdoor enthusiast.

  • 26 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: January 28th, 2022


  • Interesting back story incoming. My brother and I worked at one of the best restaurants (at the time) in Greensboro NC USA. My brother’s roommate (Mike), for several years (1989 - 1992 I believe), had only a high school education. After working a shift at the restaurant, he’d return home and shut himself in his room for hours (this was almost every day). My brother inquired out of curiosity and Mike showed my brother his computer set-up and the types of digital graphics he had been working on. Mike sent a 3 dimensional application to a digital graphics arts school (I believe in Raleigh NC) and was immediately accepted. After easily completing this program of study (Mike was highly gifted and driven), he was snatched up by the company that developed Myst. He went from barely scraping by to making a substantial amount of money in the field he dreamed to work in.

  • As far as the argument against the argument for your point, the logical argument was complete in the first paragraph:

    the academic community has failed to produce any negative relationship between video games and real life.

    I have not been able to find any evidence that would support the claims of talking heads, etc.

    My other son is ‘on the spectrum’ and is a joy with all of his uniqueness.

  • Yeah, critical thinking is an important skill to have. Sadly, there is a very low percentage of people (specifically, in the USA) that have it.

    I’m approximating that around 98% of the news media, here in the USA, are biased and/or propaganda. The first year of my university education taught me how to separate fact from opinion. What if you don’t go to university? How do you learn critical thinking? I have a college friend that I’ve known for almost thirty years. He has a masters degree in finance and he is a certified public accountant. However, when it comes to USA politics, he has been completely brainwashed by the media. He is one of those MAGA nut-jobs.

    Having second hand accounts of anything is, certainly, unreliable. I wish more people could have, at least, one experience that fell outside of what we know from science. Unbelievably, I’ve had several of these. I’d say about five that I cannot explain using the best of our scientific knowledge.

  • I have had many years of formal training and education under the umbrella of science and the scientific method. This requires both skepticism and questioning.

    When I say that I am open minded about subjects such as NDE, OBE and the like I mean that I’m using the aforementioned.

    Obviously, science does not have the answers to everything. Science still questions everything while, at the same time, acknowledges that there is much more to know.

    I have had several experiences, so far in life, that I cannot explain using what we know from science. For, at least, the past decade I’ve felt much more comfortable and inspired with more questions than I have answers.

    Science and/or the scientific method is a tool. A tool that has been developed by humans. But that’s all that it is.

    As with religion, I will not hold science up on a pedestal.