• 13 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • Caste superiority/ inferiority and means of oppression are taught to Indian children right from their birth. By their parents, their family, their community, their teachers, their classmates. In India, a child might not get its mothers milk but they’ll grow up imbibing caste. Any Indian who says they’ve not experienced caste discrimination/ atrocities is from the oppressor caste, because while the privileged can be blind to their actions their victims who bear the brunt are not blind. Thanks to education and brave reformers they’re not mute or deaf anymore.

    Brahmins had a monopoly on education & white collar jobs in India before the British came and opened the doors of education to all castes. To this day, Brahmins and their oppressor caste goons inflict brutal violence against the oppressed castes, and then protest when their violence is called out.

    Even now, in 2023, Dalits risk getting murdered if they wear sunglasses, grow a mustache, celebrate their wedding, study well in school, Their fingers get chopped off or they get beaten up by heavy wooden rods for drinking water from a tap that the oppressor caste deems is theirs. Oppressor caste school teachers beat oppressed caste students for drinking water from the water pot. Adivasis and Dalits get urinated upon by oppressor castes so they ‘remember their place’. To this day.

    Then there are the caste rapes & brutalities against Dalits & Muslims. You can look up info on Hathras rape & Kathua rape crimes. Those are not stray incidents, they are a part of the systemic brutality continously inflicted on oppressed castes by the oppressor castes for the past 2000+ years.

    Brahmins created and imposed a purity culture on India where they are the purest and the oppressed castes are impure. It’s an advanced & more developed ubermensch/ untermensch system than the Nazis had. The pure veg b.s in India is the result of this purity/impurity aka ubermensch/ untermensch system.

    A recent example; Sudha Murthy a Brahmin, and the British PM Rishi Sunak’s mother-in-law and wife of international tech. company Infosys founder, has very proudly and publicly stated that she carries her own spoon when travelling outside India lest she be handed cutlery that was used to eat non-vegetarian food and so become impure. This is an example of how Brahmins think & act. Till 2014 such thoughts were shared behind their closed doors when abroad. Now they’re emboldened to spew their purity/impurity culture in public because India’s violent Hindu supremacism is not just unchecked but also welcomed & feted by world leaders.

    To Brahmins everyone but them is impure by bring born to non-Brahmins, and that includes you, And the Brahmins call being being born to Brahmin parents a ‘merit’. They hate Christianity and Islam, because both religions don’t have a caste system (the class system is not the caste system) and both offered a way to the oppressed castes to leave Hinduism and be treated as humans.

    When the wife of an international tech. company’s founder publicly & proudly shares her casteism & ubermensch/ untermensch culture and and no one from Infosys or any other Indian tech co. or any other Indian co. objects or calls her out, you can understand the kind of casteism that is prevelant in Indian tech co.s and Indian non-tech co.s .

    This is the caste culture that Brahmins have brought & implemented into the developed world when they migrated. This is the caste system that the developed world is & should fight against.

    "If Hindus migrate to other regions on earth, Indian caste would become a world problem”- Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, victim of Hindu caste oppression, staunch opponent of casteism, and the architect of India’s Constitution.

  • If the west is scared of China, then India’s PM Modi is terrified of them. In June 2020, When China invaded India in Galwan and beat our 20 soldiers to death, Modi publicly state that nothing happened in Galwan. Since then he has been unable to take China’s name, even when China built an entire village with paved roads in the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh.
    The Modi govt that rules India is ideologically fascist dictatorial, majoritarian, and violently Hindu supremacist. If that is also your country’s ideological stance then we do have a lot in common.

  • Meawnhile Ben “please thank me” Wallace is worried about Putin losing the war.

    “If Putin loses in Ukraine, he will be deeply wounded,” Wallace said. “He’s still got an air force and he’s still got a navy — and we see his navy do quite aggressive manoeuvres. Putin is not done with us yet. There is an ability for him, in the next three or four years, to lash out.”

    “If Putin loses in Ukraine”, “If” not “when”.
    “If” as if there’s a choice, as if they dont know that Ukraine will only survive if he loses. That “if” ays they’renot prepared for the “When”.

    When UK’s Secretary of State for Defence publicly says “If Putin loses in Ukraine”, you know that Western Europe fears Putin and would appease him if not for the pesky Ukrainians who just won’t stop fighting him. They fear him so much they try to bully someone who doesn’t, because Ukraine depends on them for arms.

    This fear is why ukraine is denied NATO access & protection. Because NATO appeases & protects Putin. No lessons were learnt at all from WW2.

    source : https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-polytics/3736330-wallace-says-putin-may-lash-out-in-next-three-or-four-years.html

    Archive link to main article in the times : https://archive.ph/CviEG

  • Hitler’s playbook is also being reused in India.
    Hitler blamed Jews for Germany’s inflation. The chief minister of Assam (one of states) belongs to the Hindu supremacist BJP (PM Modi’s political party as well) and he has been blaming Muslims for the sky-high food inflation. Muslims are lynched to death by violent Hindu supremacists almost every day, and they who do not have the power to prevent this are somehow charged with having power to control food prices? The only problem with Hemant Biswa Sarma’s lies are that they will be used as another excuse to harm Muslims.

    The world would be a better place if we could gather Nazis and wannabe-Nazis and fascists together on an island and leave them there.

    ETA: on not in

  • India does not have a ‘large vegan populatiion’, it has a large ‘vegetarian’ population with milk, yoghurt (we call it curd/ dahi), paneer (cottage cheese), and ghee a part of the daily diet. Vegetable fat/ oils used in cooking instead of ghee are usually either raw or filtered or refined. Interestified vegetable oil/ fat is a relatively new product and is used by FMCG co.s as a replacement for palm oil in their products. Interestified vegetable oil also tastes nothing like ghee. Don’t take my word for it, try it out yourself.

    Any Indian touting vegan ghee will get laughed out of their home and get told to use the real thing.

  • None of them are ghee. They’re all interesterified vegetable fat/ oils with ghee flavour added calling themselves “vegan ghee” to con the gulllible.

    There’s no harm in being vegan, but it is foolish to fall for unhealthy products because they brand themelves as vegan/ vegetable-based.
    Stick to vegetable oils but ffs don’t call them ghee.

    Interesterified oils increase heart-disease risk by lowering HDL (good) cholesterol and raising LDL (bad) cholesterol, (like trans fats do). And they increase the risk of type 2 diabetes by raising fasting blood-glucose levels and decreasing insulin response. They also increase liver cellular stress markers.

    Look up the effects of interesterified vegetable fat/ oils on a search engine of your choice and then read their labels before recommending them.