If they’re stunned by this then they’re gonna be catatonic for the next 4 years. I wonder what effect that’ll have on national security…
If they’re stunned by this then they’re gonna be catatonic for the next 4 years. I wonder what effect that’ll have on national security…
Restaurant, agriculture, construction, landscaping, etc. I’m assuming it’ll be any of
Probably all 3 though, in that order.
I love this so much. It’s perfect!
80 degrees in November and the worst drought conditions in 20 years. Things are going awesome.
The recently released Gran Turismo 4 Spec II is pretty fantastic as well!
Nothing says brotherly love like a couple guys beating the ever loving shit out of each other. Brush yourselves off, grab a beer together, and get some rest because you know the biggest brother is on his way and then it’s really on.
They’ll try their best to
blend back into the woodworksell their book.
There we go.
All I got was a bigger plot that needed to be turned into a hole yesterday. Same shovel, just all dinged up and worn out now.
Sounds like someone has never seen MacGruber! Pointless and awkward absolutely but the value added was immeasurable.
The learning cliff of the X games is pretty intense but totally worth it. I made it through and just look at me now! I, err… wasn’t going to do anything better with those hundreds of hours anyway.
“Executives are paid so much more because they take on more responsibility and risk!” 🤣
Yep good call. I’m usually on my phone where tapping the link and swiping to go back is the natural behavior. I can scroll up and close the browser instead but habits are hard to break.
When did PC Gamer start hijacking the back button to show more ads? Infuriating.
Look it up? Of course it’s going to vary by state, but for example Washington.
How does the elections department process my vote by mail (absentee) ballot securely?
We are all Estebiu alts.
Hell yes. Mine lived in my big hoodie pocket, hole poked through so I could run my headphone cable invisibly. Headphones lived in the hood when I wasn’t wearing them (basically never). I was the coolest 🤣
The amount I “qualified for” when applying for a mortgage was fucking insane. I would be completely under water if I had taken the bank up on that full amount. I assume plenty of people jump at the chance to spend huge piles of money they don’t have and will likely never have.
You’re probably thinking of Simone Giertz and her “shitty robots”
I went the route of modest homelab with some mini PCs/Pis/NAS, and a decidedly not modest sim racing rig.
I like to say that for my midlife crisis I bought all the cars. I’m very funny.