Wait. You can talk??
I’m exploring the strange new world of the Fediverse! I’m @vacuumfountain@mastodon.online on #Mastodon! Come follow me at https://mastodon.online/@vacuumfountain
Wait. You can talk??
It is dumb that this has to be worked around.
I read that whole letter in his voice.
Free replays?! No way Quark authorized that.
I await the flood every day when they post with open arms.
…what? Are you okay?
Some breaks are mandated by the FCC for station identification. These “Hard Breaks” are at the same time on all stations.
If it goes missing, he could just have a Merlot.
I’m lost on this. What is the connection between Stack Overflow and Copilot? From the outside, that’s just the notification that Microsoft is pushing to all windows users, regardless of what they’re doing.
I’ve been reading his stuff since Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom. You’ll definitely enjoy his other books.
Just reread hitchhikers myself, and I’m rereading the Robots series. I love the mix of sci-fi and noir that the Robots books have
Check out this video from the University of Texas at Dallas Geoscience Studio on the geology of Turner Falls!
This, plus Consent-o-matic. I run Diversion instead of AdBlock Home, though
You can type it here and be completely safe! It hides it from us!
Chinchillas have vertical slit pupils despite being small herbivorous rodents. There are definitely quite a few exceptions.
Seriously. That’s a show where I could only do one or two at a time.
I think we should go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for all of this to blow over.