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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: August 13th, 2024


  • Both the student loans and the ACA were actively gutted by Republicans

    So regime won… again. Are you making my point for me here lol

    You want student loan forgiveness?

    I did not say this.

    You want single-payer or socialized medicine?

    We had Dem President and both houses… we got ACA… “just vote for my guy this one more time, i spear we will get healthcare” Like how many times do plebs have to this trick?

    You are missing my point: you are only hurting yourself and your goals with that strategy.

    That is your opinion. I got mine. People can make up their minds for themselves, which is the entire point of this discussion.

    Voting third party only helps Republicans and isn’t seen as any kind of protest by anyone who matters.

    I said I don’t care about either party. I care do care to deny them my vote.

    but only one party is closer to your goals

    Historical records and current trends say the opposite.

    Bottom line: the REGIME IS NOT THE ANSWER, the sooner people figure this out, the quicker we can move forward.

    Entire point of voting for either party is to keep the status quo. Reform within this election framework is impossible. ONLY other alternative if violence but everybody but brain dead trump voters know this is a bad idea for peasants. We will get killed by volumes.

    The only alternative left is to DENY ENGAGEMENT.

  • What politics? You are bringing up politics…

    Also, I never heard of immigration regime being subject to such things as disability anti discrimination laws. Does autism is even count as disability? Maybe this is a UK or EU specific thing but it still does not pass a basic bullshit test.

    The state generally reserves right to deny anyone entry or residency for any reason subject to some limitations.

    Generally speaking adult children are not auto admitted, people with disabilities are not permitted to enter or stay just because they got a disability.

    The law can include the exception but presumably discretion rests with the reviewing paper pusher.

    Is there evidence that this paper pusher acted in bad faith or mis applied the law?

    Why should “compassionate exemptions” apply to a 19 year old? did they supply evidence that she is in fact dependent on them beyond “we pay for her shit because we got money”

  • And what happens in the mean time?

    The same thing that has been happening since at least the 80s. Quality of life will continue to slowly degrade, less natural child birth, more immigration, more work, less pay, higher taxes.

    Your comment hinges on the idea that “if we just vote for democrats this one more time, they will finally reverted the course”

    I don’t believe this position. I know most people still do. Hence why this is will be a generational change as more and more people become disenfranchised they will stop voting for either party. We are already partially here but the regime got away because nobody cares about low voter turn outs.


    If you are a dedicated Democrat, then vote Democrat. That’s how voting works, everybody gets a their vote and they can do with it as they please.

    I don’t understand how “I am taking away votes from Democrats”

    Why would I care? These people are not my friend, family or “team”

    Together with Republicans, the Democrats are the regime the elites use to oppress working people. Why would I engage with a bad faith actor?