It’s funny, a few months back, it felt like nothing could have stopped PP from getting a super majority. But now, the majority’s in doubt, and in some polls, he’d actually be trailing Carney. Not by much, but it’s still significant to see how much things have changed. A lot of PP’s attack ads and popularity were based on Trudeau fatigue, but if PP puts out attack ads saying Carney is Trudeau 2.0, I’m not sure how effective they’ll be.
I would love if they actually did follow through and go with the Saab. I don’t know how difficult it would be to get out of the contract (probably impossible at this point), but I just feel we need to start relying on other countries for comparable products, including military hardware.
I didn’t know it was Charles De Gaulle who said that line, I remember the first time I heard that was from a Youtuber called ‘Beau of the Fifth Column’. I wasn’t aware he may have been quoting him.