Mama told me not to come.

She said, that ain’t the way to have fun.

  • 17 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • AWS’ benchmark is about lambda functions, not compile workloads, which are quite different beasts. Lambdas are about running a lot of small (so task switching), independent scripts, whereas compiling is about running heavy CPU workloads (so feeding caches). Server workloads tend to be more of the former than the latter.

    That said, I’m far less interested in raw performance and way more interested in power efficiency and idle and low utilization. I’m very rarely going to be pushing any kind of meaningful load on it, and when I do, I don’t mind if it takes a little longer, provided I’m saving a lot of electricity in the meantime.

  • Yes, that’s what I’m talking about.

    I’m saying that in production, the screens and whatnot probably aren’t fetching that file on boot, they’re probably pulling from some central server. So in the case of an airport, each of those screens is probably pulling images from a local server over PXE, and the server pulls the updates from CrowdStrike. So once you get the server and images patched, you just power cycle all of the devices on the network and they’re fixed.

    So the impact would be a handful of servers in a local server rack, and then remote power cycle. If they’re using POE kiosks (which they should be using), it’s just a simple call to each of the switches to force them to re-PXE boot and pull down a new image. So you won’t see IT people running around the airport, they’ll be in the server room cycling servers and then sending power-cycle commands to each region of the airport.

  • Yup. I’m thinking of making a blog series or something about my setup. It’s a little complex, but the individual pieces are pretty simple, so anyone with time and interest could totally replicate it. Mine would focus on Linux, but since everything is in containers, it could easily be replicated on Windows as well.

    Oh, and I’m working from the worst possible setup, I’m behind CGNAT, so I have to go through an outside server to make my internal stuff public. A lot of people can just use their router IP instead, which eliminates the VPN entirely (just port forwards from your router).