
  • 6 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: December 7th, 2023

  • I’m not the original person you replied to, but I also have a similar setup. I’m using a 6700XT, with both InvokeAI and stable-diffusion-webui-forge setup to run without any issues. While I’m running Arch Linux, I have it setup in Distrobox so its agnostic to the distro I’m running (since I’ve hopped between quite a few distros) - the container is actually an Ubuntu based container.

    The only hiccup I ran into is that while ROCm does support this card, you need to set an environmental variable for it to be picked up correctly. At the start of both sd-webui and invokeai’s launch scripts, I just use:

    export HSA_OVERRIDE_GFX_VERSION=10.3.0

    In order to set that up, and it works perfectly. This is the link to the distrobox container file I use to get that up and running.

  • You’re thinking of install-time permissions, which technically does still exist, but pretty much most of the permissions you’d actually care about are runtime (or special) permissions - the application must request these from the user.

    There are three main types of permissions on Android:

    • Install-time, these are permissions granted to an application upon installation
      • In this group is also signature-level permissions, which are only granted to applications that are signed by the same party as the OS itself (usually your OEM)
    • Runtime permissions (also known as “Dangerous permissions” within Android internally), which are permissions that the application must request from the user. The system draws the permissions dialog, not the application itself. Permission can also be granted one-time only, or permanently (unless the user revokes the permission)
    • Special permissions, which also need to be requested by the application - except for these the system will not draw a permissions dialog, instead the application must send the user to the “Special App Access” menu within system settings, and the user must turn on the permission there. The best way I can describe these types of permissions is, “permission that the user really must think about before granting” - such as giving an app the ability to bypass DND rules, drawing over other apps, installing APKs from unknown sources, accessing all device files, etc. IIRC, Google also requires that developers provide justification for requesting these permissions when submitting to the Google Play Store as well.

    Runtime permissions were introduced in Android 6.0, which was released in 2015, I am not sure when the special permission system was implemented however.

  • RussAtoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlDoes anyone here NOT hate Google?
    5 days ago

    Hate? No, I do not hate Google. I still use a Pixel phone (and photos/assistant on it), my Gmail is still my primary email (I also self-host a few other domains but those are primarily used for automation and a few other one-off things), I subscribe to YouTube Premium, I still utilize my Stadia controller as my primary game controller, I use a Google TV set top box, etc.

    I don’t use Search (I use Kagi instead), I don’t use Chrome (Firefox), I don’t really utilize Gemini all that much (I just run ollama for the few times I want to use an LLM).

    Really I just use their products that work well for me, and don’t use the ones that don’t. There’s no love/hate about it.

  • RussAtoLinux@lemmy.mlPacman v7.0.0 released
    7 days ago

    Kinda. One of the Linux “wrappers” (I’m a bit tired and can’t think of the correct term here, bear with me) that lets you utilize some Linux utilities on Windows, maybe it was mingw or cygwin, actually uses pacman as their package manager IIRC.

  • I have a weird one! The smell of one of the hand sanitizer brands (“Germ X”) always brings me back to Kindergarten when we’d all line up for some hand sanitizer before lunch and after recess, then right before going home for the day. Times were so much simpler back then.

    I don’t have a lot of “visual” memories left of those times, but the smell of that specific hand sanitizer brand seems like a memory that will never fade for me.

  • RussAtoLinux@lemmy.mlWhy do you still hate Windows?
    22 days ago

    I dual boot on my primary/desktop PC, and only run Linux on my laptop and Steam Deck.

    I find more often times than not, I feel like I’m either fighting with Windows or it does these small but annoying things that when added up tend to really get on my nerves. For example, one thing that I’ve been running into a lot (and happened earlier today) is if I put my computer to sleep while its booted into Windows, it’ll randomly decide to wake itself up for who knows what reason - flooding my room with light often times while I’m trying to sleep or relax. It does it enough where I should by now remember to just physically turn off my monitors when I put my computer to sleep, but why should I have to? The 95% of the time that I’m booted into Linux, if I put my computer to sleep it stays asleep until I explicitly wake it up, and thus I haven’t formed a habit to turn the displays off.

    The only reason why I even keep Windows around on this PC is to occasionally play Destiny 2 and some VR stuff with friends every now and then.

  • I can’t speak for Epic Launcher games (I know that Heroic Games Launcher exists but I’ve not personally tried it with Epic games) however Blizzard games absolutely can be played in SteamOS - you can utilize something like Bottles or Lutris to install the Blizzard launcher, and then download the games from it as normal and run them. It is how I originally played Diablo 4 on my Deck before I picked it up again on Steam. I swear I remember both Bottles and Lutris even having an “Add to Steam” option to integrate shortcuts directly into Steam (and thus, coming up in the Gaming Mode UI) but don’t quote me on that one.

    Blizzard games are actually some of the earliest non-Linux-native games that I remember running very well back in the days where we just had Wine (before Proton, DXVK, etc) which is something that always impressed me.

  • Turbo Golf Racing

    It’s pretty much “Rocket League meets golf”, with two different types of modes:

    • Racing: Everyone has a ball that they’re pushing in real time as quickly as they can to the goal
    • Golf: Everyone has a ball that they’re trying to get into the goal with as few turns (its a turn based mode) as they can

    Doesn’t have any microtransactions in it (aside from a couple of supporter packs that grant you a few cosmetic items), has an in-game “store” but they’re cosmetics that you unlock with currency that you get from playing and doing challenges (they can’t be purchased with “real” money).

    I enjoy the fact that I can pick it up, play a few matches, and then put it down, which is one of the reasons I like to play Rocket League every now and then.

    Do note that for the most part the game is multiplayer-only, like Rocket League. It has a time trial mode that can be played offline, but that’s about as far as it goes for offline/singleplayer content.

    Runs fantastic on the Steam Deck (it is Deck verified) and I can easily reach 90FPS on my OLED Deck. It also of course runs perfectly on desktop as well via Proton.

  • Just ran into this exact problem this morning which was incredibly frustrating. Performed a routine system update, and I’m pretty sure I had a kernel panic (all input was non responsive, couldn’t even switch to a tty) in the middle of pacman’s upgrade phase.

    While I was able to chroot into my install and reinstall the kernel, half of my system’s packages were left in an inconsistent state so I still couldn’t properly boot - and so I just nuked my root subvolume and reinstalled Arch (I suspect I could’ve somehow got the packages reinstalled if I wrangled for a while with pacman but it was just easier to reinstall at this point).

    Atomic distros like Bazzite are designed to prevent that exact situation I ran into, unfortunately I just haven’t had enough time or energy to try to make my own custom image that has what I need in it (got kind of close with NixOS but that had its own issues), otherwise I’d probably be running that.

  • I had one of these done for an endoscopy - it ended horribly. It got “stuck” so I ended up having to have surgery for it to be removed.

    Getting that surgery coordinated and scheduled took months all the while my health was declining. Eventually it got so bad that I couldn’t hold down food and I had to be pre-admitted to the hospital a month before the procedure and put on IV nutrition…

    Granted I do have an autoimmune GI condition which is what prompted that test in the first place, and the chances of this happening is supposedly quite small but… Yeah I’ll take the endoscopy and colonoscopy over even that small chance of going through all of that all over again…

  • RussAtoCasual Conversation @lemm.eeHow are you lemmy peeps?
    1 month ago

    I’m a bit upset at my GI’s office, I was supposed to have a follow up appointment with them on May, then they rescheduled it for August due to a conflict with the doctor’s schedule, and now they’ve called me again to say they need to reschedule it again for the same reason…

    I would love to switch doctors, but there aren’t many GIs in the area that I live (that I haven’t already been to, its been a horrendous battle) - missed their call so I’m not sure how far out the scheduling is now, but I wouldn’t be surprised if its nothing sooner than October…

    So, I’m off to a great start today. Hopefully that is the only negative thing that occurs today.

  • RussAtoLinux Gaming@lemmy.worldSorry I can't do it.
    1 month ago

    No problem! It looks like there’s an AUR package for it - though exercise caution since it is still in beta. That being said, 555 has been in beta for a bit now, so I expect it’ll probably be promoted to an official release imminently.

    Definitely would give Wayland another try once the newer Nvidia driver is installed later on (either via the beta or the official release). I don’t use an Nvidia card anymore (this bug is precisely what caused me to switch, ironically - it has been around for a while and got worse for me when 535 came around) but I’ve heard from a lot of folks that it resolves the flickering issue.

    Either way, I’m glad to hear that you’re glitch free now - and on a side note, it appears its your cake day so happy cake day!