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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Don’t have any data to back it up, but I’ve been using Photoshop for 25+ years, and got the clear impression that this was 100% part of marketing; from what I gathered from friends back then, pirating Photoshop was so astonishingly simple that it seemed deliberate. If you’ve got the software that’s the easiest to get hold of for kids and students, that’s what they grow up with, that’s what they know, that’s what they expect to have access to in future employment situations.

    Now that they’ve managed to pull off Subscriptions (and consequently fucking us all over by making it a legitimate business model, which instantly spread to, what, +60% of all paid software?), I’m sure they’ve calculated that the higher bar for gaining access to their software is more than adequately offset by the readings on the yard stick in their Scrooge McDuck money vault building(s).

    And still, nobody has managed to make something that can replace their bloated, shitty software for professional users.

  • renard_roux@beehaw.orgtoChat@beehaw.orgThe Lesser of Two Genocides
    4 months ago

    Are you not confusing “some politics I don’t agree with are being represented” with “none of the politics I agree with are being represented”? Granted, I don’t know what your politics are, but you’re clearly not a trump fan. I’m having a difficult time imagining a political leaning that has zero overlap with Bidens politics.

    I’m having a hard time with this whole thread. Yes, it’s a shitty choice, but that doesn’t make it any less the only choice. It’s not like a trump victory “nudges the country further towards a fascist state”. He, and his followers, have made it quite clear that the immediate goal is full-on fascism.

    If wouldn’t be terribly surprised if this was a spoiler campaign, honestly, but even in the more likely event that it isn’t, the results are nearly indistinguishable. It does a great job of sewing sowing doubt and spreading fatalism/doomerism. Does anyone seriously think we’re comparing apples to apples here?

    • Biden is not fantastic. Agreed.

    • The glaring psychopathy of the right makes it easier for the Democrats to also shift right. Looks like it.

    • Biden is bad, so the alternative can be ignored. Uhm, what?

    • Withholding my vote for Biden will teach the Democrats a lesson, and it’s not like I’m voting for trump or anything. You’re going to get us all killed.

    I think the implication above is that the person with the most votes wins; by not adding your vote to pile A, there are fewer votes for pile B to beat.

    Again, it’s not a great set of options, but how can anyone who is even remotely sane consider furthering the risk of trump winning to prove a point? If he wins, will there even be any more elections? Who are you proving the point to?

    It’s been 4 years since trump left office. 4 measly years. How such large swathes of the country seem to have collectively forgotten how utterly insane, deadly, and brazenly corrupt that whole shit-show was is completely beyond me.

    None of the American presidents are great. Not one of them. Every single one of them has blood on their hands. None of this is new. At least people are waking up now, even if it’s too late. There’s a great shift towards unions. Attempts at making healthcare less horrible. An actual debate about student loans. About minimum wage. About housing. Will it all be fixed under the Democrats? Unlikely. Will it all be actively and aggressively fought by trump and the fascist right he represents? Guaranteed.

    Want to make a difference? Fight it all with every fiber if your being. Join movements, unionize, support better candidates. Helping trump does not help anyone, and all but guarantees that the already rickety societal framework that lets you even have a dissenting opinion will be torn down in the blink of an eye.

    Foil the fascist autocrat first. Then spend the next 4 years making your point clear to the democrats. Find better ways to try to steer the country away from its race to the right. There are many good suggestions on this thread as to how. None of them are “don’t vote for Biden”.