Hey, thanks for reading my bio. You know, you’re pretty cool. I’m glad we got to share this moment together.

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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: February 15th, 2024


  • Everyone blames food/diet/portions for this, but personally I think the car-centric culture should also bear a large portion of the blame.

    When I stayed with friends in Europe, they easily ate as much as my American friends, but everywhere we went we were either walking or biking.

    Meanwhile, in the VAST majority of the US, if you so much as want a safe place to walk that isn’t adjacent to the pervasive pedestrian-hostile street design, you need to take a car to get there.

    American car culture essentially turns the average routine into ferrying oneself from chair to desk to chair to bed, intermixed with brief walks throgh scenic parking lots.

    We need to counter the sedentary lifestyle within the design of our actual cities, but its the american way to push societal problems onto the responsibility of the individual… so I do not see this changing within our lifetimes.