• 10 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 17th, 2023


  • This would be the best way. Unfortunately they made it the other way around. A screen at the door shows the code, and you scan it with the app.

    In my previous gym the code was on the app, but I’m not sure anymore if it was static or it changed over time. But the reader on the door was awful, I used to spend a good 3 minutes trying different angles with my phone to make it recognize the code.

  • Golang

    Avoided recursion by having an array of “pending paths”. Whenever I hit a splitter, I follow one of the paths straight away, and push the starting point and direction of the other path to the array.

    First time I ran it, hit an infinite loop. Handled it by skipping “|” and “-” if they have been visited already.

    Part 2 is the same code as part 1 but I just check all the possible starting points.

    package main
    import (
    type Direction int
    const (
    	UP    Direction = 0
    	DOWN  Direction = 1
    	LEFT  Direction = 2
    	RIGHT Direction = 3
    type LightPoint struct {
    	row int
    	col int
    	dir Direction
    func solve(A [][]rune, start LightPoint) int {
    	m := len(A)
    	n := len(A[0])
    	visited := make([]bool, m*n)
    	points := []LightPoint{}
    	points = append(points, start)
    	for len(points) > 0 {
    		current := points[0]
    		points = points[1:]
    		i := current.row
    		j := current.col
    		dir := current.dir
    		for {
    			if i < 0 || i >= m || j < 0 || j >= n {
    			if visited[i*n+j] && (A[i][j] == '-' || A[i][j] == '|') {
    			visited[i*n+j] = true
    			if A[i][j] == '.' ||
    				(A[i][j] == '-' && (dir == LEFT || dir == RIGHT)) ||
    				(A[i][j] == '|' && (dir == UP || dir == DOWN)) {
    				switch dir {
    				case UP:
    				case DOWN:
    				case LEFT:
    				case RIGHT:
    			if A[i][j] == '\\' {
    				switch dir {
    				case UP:
    					dir = LEFT
    				case DOWN:
    					dir = RIGHT
    				case LEFT:
    					dir = UP
    				case RIGHT:
    					dir = DOWN
    			if A[i][j] == '/' {
    				switch dir {
    				case UP:
    					dir = RIGHT
    				case DOWN:
    					dir = LEFT
    				case LEFT:
    					dir = DOWN
    				case RIGHT:
    					dir = UP
    			if A[i][j] == '-' && (dir == UP || dir == DOWN) {
    				points = append(points, LightPoint{row: i, col: j + 1, dir: RIGHT})
    				dir = LEFT
    			if A[i][j] == '|' && (dir == LEFT || dir == RIGHT) {
    				points = append(points, LightPoint{row: i + 1, col: j, dir: DOWN})
    				dir = UP
    	energized := 0
    	for _, v := range visited {
    		if v {
    	return energized
    func part1(A [][]rune) {
    	start := LightPoint{row: 0, col: 0, dir: RIGHT}
    	energized := solve(A, start)
    func part2(A [][]rune) {
    	m := len(A)
    	n := len(A[0])
    	max := -1
    	for i := 0; i < m; i++ {
    		start := LightPoint{row: i, col: 0, dir: RIGHT}
    		energized := solve(A, start)
    		if energized > max {
    			max = energized
    		start = LightPoint{row: 0, col: n - 1, dir: LEFT}
    		energized = solve(A, start)
    		if energized > max {
    			max = energized
    	for j := 0; j < n; j++ {
    		start := LightPoint{row: 0, col: j, dir: DOWN}
    		energized := solve(A, start)
    		if energized > max {
    			max = energized
    		start = LightPoint{row: m - 1, col: j, dir: UP}
    		energized = solve(A, start)
    		if energized > max {
    			max = energized
    func main() {
    	// file, _ := os.Open("sample.txt")
    	file, _ := os.Open("input.txt")
    	defer file.Close()
    	scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)
    	var lines []string
    	for scanner.Scan() {
    		lines = append(lines, scanner.Text())
    	var A [][]rune
    	for _, line := range lines {
    		A = append(A, []rune(line))
    	// part1(A)

  • I crafted a simple counter-example (single letters for brevity). The way the sequence goes totally depends on the instructions, and we don’t have any guarantees on that. It could be anything. Of course, looking at the input data we could find what the instructions are, but the assumption doesn’t hold in general.

    A = (B, X)
    B = (C, X)
    C = (X, Z)
    Z = (A, C)
    X = (X, X)
    L L R L L L R R R -> A B C Z A B C Z C Z
    L L R R R L L L R -> A B C Z C Z A B C Z

    Here the distance of Z cycling back into itself could be 2 or 4, depending on what the instruction string is doing.