Tuberculosis has entered the chat.
No, I think it’s just that his economics person is Art Laffer.
I’ve smoked cigars occasionally, maybe as many as 2-3 per week for 2 weeks in a row and then just stopped with no signs of addiction. Nicotine is often described as one of the most addictive drugs and I sometimes wonder if I just never took enough to get addicted in the first place or my experience is a result of lower than average susceptibility to nicotine addiction.
Very insightful. On an unrelated note, I’m off to the store to get some vegetables.
Actually the other way around. Ron Paul to Bernie pipeline. I was reading Corey Doctorow and Lawrence Lessig at the time and I was willing to vote for anyone who might limit corporate power/corporate funding of political campaigns. I will never understand why so many people were excited for Obama. He just always seemed like your standard change nothing and let the rich get richer polititian to me. Although, I will admit he is a very charismatic speaker.
I remember watching the debates during the Obama campaign and thinking “this guy is just as pro big business as the republicans”. The only candidate who was talking about the need to limit the political power of corporations/finance was Ron Paul.
Fuck yeah
It’s time
To take a shit on the company’s dime
I don’t even have to shit sometimes
I’m just hanging dong as the time flies by
Alpha Beta
Well, I guess now we’re not learning about statistics, protein folding, or radioactive decay. I hope you’re all happy with yourselves.
Will anyone buy it at the current price? No? Then I’m sorry to say but you have not yet reached the market clearing price.