My heart breaks every time I’m reminded of how much EA dropped the ball with Titanfall 2 :(
Attack on Titan - The Rumbling for me personally, had no right going as hard as it did!
Neon Genesis Evangelion’s intro is an absolute bop as well
Best I can give you is low quality videos with a max length of 2:20 that occasionally lose audio sync, and sometimes the audio decides it doesn’t want to work at all.
This was also in Aldi!
Didn’t realise but apparently the price cards aren’t paper anymore, they’re e-ink now. Saw one change in front of my eyes and I thought I was seeing things! Must be some sort of dynamic pricing thing they do so that they’re always cheaper than whoever is cheapest or something.
Or one better, a chalice made from her own skull
Tried this once and the ducks swam away in disgust :(