My god, does that mean we’ll be at 200% in 60 years?😱
My god, does that mean we’ll be at 200% in 60 years?😱
Can we talk about the perfect naming on that thing? Aquatar in Qatar, really?
Funnily enough we had such a cable at home for reasons unknown to me. Then of course the inevitable happened: I was electrocuted by it. I’m fine, but I can definitely agree that such a cable should not ever be made, whatever the reasoning, just don’t do it.
Wtf, wer scheißt denn mit angezogener Boxershorts?
Given that summary I thought you were joking but holy shit that is an actual movie. crazy!
Don’t know about the others but conflagration most definitely is an actual word
Just listened to a podcast about this game and wanting to check it out. Is it really that good?
I don’t see the problem here. More garlic, more good.
Awesome. I can only recommend everyone to check out the game, if you’re into space games at all. I have at least 400h in and the game only gets better and better.
Well, technically they’re saying “own it now”, not “own it forever”
Still, fuck amazon
Wow, good luck with that. NGL that game looks like it could have been awesome.
I sure hope they won’t eat mine… It’s made of plastic.
Ah the good old “bUt iT WAs calLeD 'naTiOnAl socialist PaRtY”
They seem to know their clientele
Drones. The answer is drones.
I never thought there would be a graph where Jesus and I aligned
This was a wonderful read, thanks
Please don’t give him any ideas. Though I have to say that sounds intriguing